What’s your favorite physical activity?

@g3ntl3w4rri0r I do circuit weight training at home 3 days a week. I work my way up to 12 exercises, 20 reps each, repeat 5x, then I add more weight. Currently on 10 reps for each exercise, adding 2 reps each week.

Cycling: goal is 2 hours 3 days/week at 12mph or more. Sadly, weather has not been cooperating yet, but I’m still stationary cycling for about an hour on cycling days (mentally, that’s all I can handle).

Interval sprints: goal is to work these in. Right now I’m walking for an hour or more, I want to do interval sprints for ~30 min. I’m not pushing too hard on these until I can get my other physical goals met, when those become standard, I’ll work these in.
@g3ntl3w4rri0r I currently do a mix of Caroline Girvan App/Sydney Cummings, Youtube HITT cardio videos, walking pad while working, and solidcore (reformer machine class). Feels like a good variety!
@g3ntl3w4rri0r Volleyball. I have a tight muscle in my lower back at the moment and can't move properly due to the flexibility issues it's causing. I've had to stop going to practice for now while I sort it out. Also the last time I went I took a high speed ball straight to the face for unrelated reasons so still trying to live that one down 😂
@g3ntl3w4rri0r Aside from heavy lifting, I really love spin classes and dance classes...so fun!

Oh, and I did a pole dancing class once with some girlfriends which was a blast but you get these crazy bruises on your legs, lol.
@g3ntl3w4rri0r Before I injured myself, I used to really love Caroline Girvan’s various workout programs. Definitely a great workout every time, and they’re usually around 10 weeks so once you finish it feels like a huge accomplishment. At least for me. But since my physical therapist says I can’t do those anymore, I’m loving doing Pilates at home from YouTube videos. I’ve been doing it consistently 5 times a week, 50 minutes each time, for about 4 weeks now, along with CICO. I feel stronger, more stretched out, more in control of my body movements, my back and neck don’t hurt as much anymore from the injury I mentioned, and I think maybe I see a hint of change already in my shape. And it’s nice because I can do it from home for free and don’t need to have a reformer or anything! I like Margaret Elizabeth’s YouTube Pilates channel a lot.
@g3ntl3w4rri0r i really like hiking and the stair master. i hate running because of the impact on my knees so walking and climbing is great! i also love my weighted hula hoop lol, and some of my friends have gotten super into rock climbing lately and they love it
@g3ntl3w4rri0r I have a bowflex, some hand weights and youtube. I mostly watch youtube videos and watch ones that utilize the hand weights. I also hike with the dogs most days.