What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

@blindly28 IRL all I've ever really been asked is "what do you eat?" and "how do you get protein?". Most people, at least in my area(midwest USA) have absolutely no clue about nutrition, so the topic of nutrition really doesn't come up. They just don't understand what I eat to satiate myself, period. So it's mostly just me explaining to them about how there are thousands of different cooking methods and flavors you can do with various foods, and that I just eat whatever foods I want at the time until I'm full just like they do. The stuff I hear people say about nutrition is so hilariously bad I don't even know how to respond to it sometimes. Like if you go to a cookout around here, no matter what time of year, it's almost always nearly 100% meat and dairy and maybe some starches here and there. Fruits and veggies are a rare sight beyond bananas and potatoes.
@timmdogg I’m in a very meat-heavy area as well, and the lack of nutritional understanding is truly astonishing. And along with that, everybody seems to think all vegan food is bland and disgusting, and that’s why meat is the better way. And then I explain to them that all of the flavor in their food comes from the plants they season it with😂
@blindly28 The most baffling thing is that they don't even understand what the different food groups are if you try to explain it to them. Like they don't even understand that seasoning is made from plants. To explain nutrition to them even a little bit would require starting from the very beginning, which really doesn't take long, but too long for a quick conversation in passing typically.
@dawn16 My mom is so convinced that she can only eat bread at breakfast. Otherwise, that bread slice somehow develops some kind of superpowers and goes from healthy in the morning to evil after 12pm.
@mumbie Please tell me how they deduced that ethical/dietary choices influence sexual orientation? Because I’m in a very serious heterosexual relationship… HAVE I BEEN A FAKE VEGAN THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!
@blindly28 “Cows need to be milked” is always pretty silly. Yeah, by their babies??

Also I used to do a lot of online activism and got some assault threats from farmers and even had my face edited on to a box of condoms to “help prevent fuckwits” so that was fun!
@caritasium Ah yes. The “cows need to be milked” always gets me too. I think I lose brain cells every time I hear that one.

And sorry about that! That’s terrible, but at least you get a funny story out of it😅
@caritasium The horrifying truth is that modern dairy cows are so genetically modified that their udders burst from the insane milk buildup. That's where the myth comes from. Yes it does make them feel better and can kill them otherwise. But again that's only if they're pregnant and have no calfs to nurse. If youre not artificially inseminating them and letting them nurse their children not selling it solely for profit, then it shouldn't ever be a problem
@blindly28 Severe misunderstanding of taxonomy due to the fact that fungi are more closely related to animals than plants. I've seen it about yeasts and mushrooms because they're not technically "plant-based" foods.