What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

@blindly28 One 50 year old guy said “oh you enjoyed eating animals (before 5 years when I was not vegan) now you won’t let your kids eat animals”. Wtf lol. If my parents followed vegan diet and made us follow it, it would have been much easier for me to be a vegan. I struggle every day eating vegan but I try to stay vegan especially being diabetic. It got easier now. I’m not forcing my kids to be vegans. It’s their choice.
@blindly28 Someone I know once referred to a vegan diet as a "highly restrictive regimen" and said that they couldn't do it because it was already so hard to shop/cook for oneself without extra burdens.

I'm a very lazy person and just don't find vegan eating difficult or burdensome. In some ways, it's easier since the dangers of bacteria associated with things like handling raw chicken are just not nearly as much of a concern. Plus, TVP is something I can store bone dry and then just dump water into and microwave. Also, has this person not heard of beans and rice???
@blindly28 Different, but, when I first met my now xhusband, I was vegetarian. Over the yrs I conformed more to his diet, but slowly started hating shopping, prepping, eating, etc. (crying in the grocery store). By then we’d had two kids. When I told him I was going vegan, but they could eat what they were used to, he said “as long as you don’t push your food on them.” What, fucking vegetables? Grains? He then went on a massive carnivore glut, and, AND! yup, pushed it on the kids.