What are your favorite fitness blender workouts on youtube?


New member
Hi. I started using fitness blender's free youtube videos for my muscle building workouts and I wanted to see what people's favorites were.

I typically workout 5x a week (6 if you include yoga) and I do one upper body lifting day, one lower body focus, one full body or core, and two days cardio (I row 30 minutes)

fitness blender has been great so far. I especially liked this one for upper body strength:

and this lower body focused HIIT was killer:

however, I've found that not ALL FB videos are difficult enough for me. This one for example I found way too easy:

and this one, although it seemed like a good ab workout, didn't leave me sore and I found the pace a little dull:

I currently dont pay for FB yet, so I'm strictly looking for good videos from their free collection. What are your favorites?
@saida Hi OP, I know this is an old post, but have you tried Tasha’s workouts? Holy moly! I’ve been using FB for years, but I kept reusing my old purchased plans (the pdf styles,lol) so I haven’t worked out with their new trainers until recently. Man oh man, I thought Daniel was tough. I’m here for it though. I think she is my new favorite trainer.
Ah I misread I thought you meant you used to use FB but I see that's what you're using now, that's cool! I love Tasha's workouts. My favorites are probably Kayla's workouts, she always has really interesting moves.
@saida Have you considered doing one of their programs? I’m doing FB30 now and really enjoying it. You can look through the comments on the program pages to get a sense of how challenging they are and what the balance of exercise styles is (some are almost all resistance training, others have more of a cardio/HIIT focus or a blend of the two). That way you can also try out a whole bunch of their videos in a way that is designed to be balanced so even if some are easier than you would prefer, you can still feel like there was a good reason to do them.

Anyway, to answer your actual question, if you are looking for stuff to make you sweat, literally any HIIT video of theirs I’ve ever tried has left me wiped by the end, lol.
@saida It's been a while since I used FB videos but for years I did Kelly's videos, especially butt and thigh videos and I loved it. I like her energy and the workouts were effective.

I like this one. I'll do it again with bands this time. I highly suggest mini resistance bands! They made a huge difference for me and they make these exercises way harder (Since you find them a bit easy and slow).
@saida What about the easy one felt too easy? While you could possibly find harder ones by searching FitnessBlender.com for level 4 or 5 difficulty, I also wonder if you might just need to up your weights. If you go heavy enough to challenge yourself even a fairly basic strength video, or one with relatively long rest periods, should still not be so easy.
@michelle14 Yeah that's what someone else suggested. I'll need to buy more weights but that's ok I can do that.

Maybe what's happening is I've gotten used to my heart rate going up or sweating during workouts, even weight workouts. The pulsing workout I listed really gets my heart rate up even though it's lifting. The slower lifting workout feels like I'm not doing much, even when my muscle burns a bit.

This is a mental thing I think. I know lifting is not cardio and it's normal not to be dripping sweat when doing slow heavier sets. So that may be part of it. I get worried about my calorie burn because of the nature of the workout.
@saida I suggest using their search on their website because you can search by difficulty. the bored easily one you said was too easy.. I think the style can be challenging. I usually find bored easily too easy the first time because it's hard to pick the correct weight with only one set. but I write down what I lift and then can refer to it next time and get a much better workout (I pay for plus so I just save my weights in the notes feature)

a couple of my favourite free lower body:



& upper body:



if you ever do try plus they have some good ones in there too. Kelli has a lower body 'work out with me' where she just films her real workout and makes it up as she goes and I love it.

& Tasha's workouts are always killer if you want a hard workout. I dread them when they are in my programs lol
@easyoked yes! I feel stronger (I pick heavier weights now for most moves), my endurance is better, overall I just feel really good since getting consistent. my butt is definitely growing (RIP to my tightest millenial pants haha), my legs feel more firm, and I annoy people by making them look at my triceps lol. for me I think it's less about what kind of workouts I do and more about being consistent & FB is good for me in that I don't dread the workouts & they are very convenient.

Good luck :)
@coolbutclueless Thank you! I will probably pay for plus at some point. And yeah I know when it's slow lifting it's all about the weight so maybe I just need to increase. And thanks for the suggested vids!