What is your favorite four-day split?

@jlrodriguez I named this the “Kerry Von Eric 4 Day Split”:

M - back, bi’s / T - chest, tri’s / W - off / T - legs / F - shoulders, traps, forearms / S - off / S - off

Back - behind neck pulldown, seated cable rows
Bi’s - barbell curls, concentration curls
Chest - dips, incline, flyes
Tri’s - Pulldowns, Lying Extensions, overhead extensions
Legs - Extensions, Leg Press, Leg Curls, Calves
Shoulders - behind neck overhead, side laterals, rear laterals
Traps - upright rows, shrugs
Forearms - behind back wrist curls

5 sets / 2 warmup 3 working / 8-10 reps
@bonnie99 Saw a video from Randumb Fitness mentioning this exact split. Seeing this comment has more than 1 year, have you modified or changed anything? He mentions in the video you could incorporate a separate arms/shoulders day (5th day) in case the 4 day split takes you too much time. How has your experience been? I might end up doing this starting tomorrow.
@pacificjordan I did this for about 3 months or so and I liked it a lot. Eventually tho I found my way back to a body part split just cuz I really enjoy honing in on one muscle group and wrecking it. Also I was in the gym for like 2 hours every workout tryana cover all my bases. I still think it’s good tho I was actually considering trying it again.
@bonnie99 The good thing with that split or an upper/lower is you get 3 rest days in comparison to a bro split, and the older you get, the one with more rest will be recommended to avoid injury. I guess the time you save from training in the rest days, you spend it on a longer workout on the training days.
@jlrodriguez I do a PPL with a "finisher" as a fourth day. I basically do upper body but try to push it doing less sets, more weight and going to failure. It's a nice way to end the gym week lol.

This is also adaptable so you can do whatever you prefer in accordance with your goals. Make it fun!
@hopeful1ne Ha, I love that! I also like being destroyed at the end of the week and thoroughly enjoying the weekend. It seems like it could be a good way to hit muscle groups that I didn’t push quite as hard as I’d like to during the rest of the week
@jlrodriguez Technically 3 days done over 4.
  • Day 1 (1a)
  • Day 2
  • Day 1 again (1b)
  • Day 3
  • Off
Day 1 is weak point bodyparts. Optional Off Day between 1a and 1b.

I did "Push" on 1a, and delts then chest (in that order) on 1b. 1a is chest, delts, triceps.
@jlrodriguez Try alternating an extra each week so like

L PP L week 1
P PL P week 2
And cycle that way

If it were me I’d just do LPPL for a while since legs are my weakness then when they feel too fatigued (usually about week 4 when I need a deload week) change it up for a while.

For me ppl is king but a brosplit every once in a while when your body needs a break is great too.

Talking from my own experience.
@jlrodriguez A/B split

Pick one of each for A/B

Squat/ Deadlift for 3x3-4 @ RPE9

Bench / OHP for 3x3@9

Pullups / Row for 3x8@9

Add warmups, optional amraps, whatever accessories you like but make sure you do abs and biceps
@jlrodriguez Try either Legs Push Pull Off or Legs Push Pull Push Legs Push Pull Push repeated. Or do Pull but with squat as main lift, push, legs but with deadlift as main lift, push pull again with squats and take two days off or do another push day and then off. Lol hope u got that.