What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

@justin_holmes Lifting 50 lb bags of sand I picked up for my kids sandbox. Took two people wheeling them out on a cart, and I could easily pick them up and toss them in my trunk. Honestly didn't think too much about it but the two ladies I got them from were gobsmacked that I threw them around like nothing.

Felt pretty good!
@justin_holmes Lifting my 5 year old (~40 lbs) over my head to sit on my shoulders. I could carry him already in a piggy back, but could never get him up to my shoulders. Until a couple months ago, I randomly tried again and I could!
@justin_holmes When I walked into the gym and the owner was like I have a new thing for you to try and led me to some weird ass booty building machine. I guess he does see what I focus on....
@justin_holmes 3x65lb ohp! 5 sets☺️ In August I couldn't do 3x45lbs. This 20 lb jump came without doing any ohp in my routine. I can do pull ups now too💪
Obviously I know 65lbs is nothing to most. I'll get there.
@justin_holmes I lifted up and pushed over a 200lb tire today about 24 times! Wasnt able to do 5 of those 3 weeks ago. I think half the battle is in our heads and we are stronger than we think
@justin_holmes One moment was tonight, carrying a big box full of art supplies and candy from my dorm to another dorm for door decorations. And also the sprint to and from that dorm back to mine because I forgot something 😂 literally all I thought about was: and this is why I go to the gym. To be able to lug this stuff to and from places far away…and to be able to know I can sprint back if I forget anything lol
@justin_holmes This probably sounds stupid, but starting off with no arm veins and now even when I don’t flex I see arm veins and I can’t stop looking at them. 😂 thats when I knew my arms really got stronger
@justin_holmes Oh I know! My boyfriend slipped on the subway steps (NYC) and GUESS WHO CAUGHT HIS ELBOW AND STEADIED HIM WITH NARY A SHIVER.

He yelled in admiration, hyped me up, and the rest is XXX.
@justin_holmes Male, but when I first started going to the gym, I had a hard time with bench pressing and I remember first time doing it, I struggled on 65. Today, I managed to do 5 reps of 145 just as a ground check. Only been going for 5 months. I’ve improved with squats too, I remember having a hard time on 90 period, but managed to do a set of 12 on 155 pounds. Also didn’t start doing these workouts till recently, but these are acceptable since I started doing these recently.
@brojaque My privilege is starting to get the best of me. I can yank my suitcase and put it down 1 handed. I see all these middle aged people struggling and spending half a lifetime trying to get luggage in/out and I just want to scream
@vivienita I know right I just wanna grab their luggage for them (and tell them to pack lighter, sheesh). If we're boarding and I'm stuck behind them I offer to help so they'll get out of the way faster
@justin_holmes I'm a teacher and used to have to ask students to carry heavy items for me. I had something the other day and one student just automatically came up to me to take it from me and help (like I'd asked him to a hundred times before). It felt good to be able to be like, "Nope, I've got this. Thanks though."
@justin_holmes I have had a few:
  • when I could open a jar my dad couldn't open
  • when I reached a 100kg deadlift
  • when I could pick up my daughter (she's 35kg and was kicking and screaming / having a tantrum at the time) and carry her to her bedroom no sweat
  • when I bested my husband's deadlift
  • when I realised you could see my muscles, first it was biceps, now it's abs
It's a great feeling, being strong!
@justin_holmes A few years ago a very skittish dog I'd just adopted slipped her collar when my SO was walking her. I was able to run across a field and climb over a chain link fence with relative ease. That's when I knew all my working out was paying off. The dog was recovered safely and walked with a harness until we bonded and was no longer a flight risk.
@justin_holmes Mine was pretty small, but one day I took the stairs two at a time and it felt like I was about to bound straight through the ceiling; the last time I’d tried to take the stairs two at a time I couldn’t do the whole flight and I definitely needed a lot more force! I felt like a superhero flying up those stairs lol