When are we actually going to start talking fitness?


New member
I feel like this sub is a catfish, it should be a cumulative expression of vegans being athletic. Some of these people are lifting heavy weights but their body composition is trash. It’s poorly moderated, there’s not even a Q&A so people can stop posting the same damn thing, Where do I get protein, what’s a good protein powder, how do I bulk, how do I cut. I like the displays of strength and achievements but only when it’s actually positive. Someone eating 3-4 thousand calories a day with 25% coming from mock meats isn’t fitness. It should be everything a fitness subreddit would but just veganized. I’d be happy to put together a Q&A if asked it’s just annoying seeing the redundancy of half joking “protein who?” posts. I’d also like to say the mods aren’t active at all so that’s partly why it’s a messy sub so I recognize that.
@christopherinla I think the issue is that the only difference between main stream fitness subs and this sub is vegan.

There's no unique fitness related discussion to have here, any discussion regarding general work out plans, etc is much better served in the larger fitness subs.

Getting fitness related nutrional information from this sub is definitely the niche it fills for me.
@jonathanxr What’s your definition of fitness? Powerlifting is a form of fitness. Fitness isn’t only body composition and it’s also not only nutrition. You can be fit while eating mock meats.

I do agree though the basic questions are pretty out of hand and there are way too many selfies of people on their 3rd day at the gym lol
@bluesky68 I’m a huge advocate for flexible dieting and count macros. You certainly can be fit while eating mock meats and while working towards strength oriented goals. It certainly isn’t ideal to get to a bulk of your protein from mock meats, due their high fat content and low fiber.
I never said you can’t be, you aren’t fit however if, you’re 240 pounds and eating well over a healthy allowance of calories and fat.I do both of these, but I don’t go touting my meal of a beyond burger with fries and a fatty sauce as a vegan fitness meal. I define it as being physically fit if we have to get technical and it takes all of this in to account.

Sorry if it comes off as stern but I want to see vegan athletes taken seriously and be reputable sources of information to new comers.
@jonathanxr I’m all for better content and moderation but I guess the issue I have with your proposed changes is that your definition of “fitness” is way too strict. If you go over to /r/fitness there are all different levels of people with different interests and as a catch-all sub we should be able to accommodate them all. As long as people are working towards fitness goals we should be welcoming.

On a more specific note your definition of fitness would leave out most strength sports which should absolutely be allowed. A pro strongman may want a higher level of body fat to succeed at their sport and that’s a tactical decision. On the other end of the spectrum, a pro marathon runner might look like a skeleton and be unhealthy by some metrics but again they are definitely a “fit” individual. It’s a fitness sub, not a health and body composition sub.
@bluesky68 getting a sticky started with links/resources/sticky threads to help those interested in being healthier get going on their journey. Having days of the week where we can have Q & A's, and program help would also be amazing. Thank you for bringing up this much needed discussion
@francisfrancisco definitely agree with that - I know /r/bodybuilding does recurring threads like Newbie Tuesday’s, Training Thursday’s, Foodie Friday’s etc. Could be a good model to follow
@francisfrancisco Another idea I had would be to allow users some kind of mod-verified flair like they have in /r/weightroom. Users can tag what they do and their level. Would help weed out people who are just posting useless not-really-fitness content.

CC /@jonathanxr
@bluesky68 No, not really as I’ve said this. You can be fit for a sport as displaying a type of fitness related to the sport I.e. strong man. You can be a healthy strongman competitor, or a healthy powerlifter but there are some who are not. I’m talking about the ones who are not. Maybe I am actually misunderstanding this subreddit. I just thought it would be more akin to showing people who are healthy and fit on a vegan diet.
@jonathanxr I’m not sure if we are saying the same thing or not - I’m saying the people who fall in the first category should be considered under the umbrella of “fitness”, not JUST the second. The sub should be a place to discuss fitness, for a broad definition of the word, for people of all levels. If you restrict that to people who also fall in your definition of “health” or people that are already successful in their fitness journey you’re really limiting the people and types of discussions that are welcome.
@bluesky68 Can I actually ask how, in a non-confrontational way. I just really think the point of fitness is to be healthy, I really don’t think that’s “being too strict”
@jonathanxr No worries I’m not taking any offense! Just want to have the open discussion. If I’ve come across as confrontational it wasn’t intentional at all.

The disagreement on my end is that there are many different types of fitness and “health” isn’t necessarily always the goal.

In the strongman example, those competitors are specifically making the decision to be unhealthy in order to achieve their goals. If your preferred form of fitness is to move the most weight possible and you choose to weigh 400lbs to do that, it’s absolutely not healthy. That doesn’t mean they aren’t working on fitness but it would fall outside of your more strict definition.

All I’m saying is restricting the sub to people with the goal of being more healthy is cutting out lots of things I’d still consider to be valid forms of fitness and worth discussing here.
@bluesky68 No you haven’t so sorry if what I said made it seem like that. I guess what I really have to say is, it’s not my main point. I really just think this sub is half moderated and filled with nonsense, which I know every subreddit is, but not this much. I wish like you’ve said in other posts. We could have actual discussions not just multiple posts that people ignore because they’re so cringe worthy.
@jonathanxr I’m not super fit, but I’m confused here. Why would our source of protein need to also be a source of fiber? I get a ton of fiber from veggies already.
@jonathanxr Who made you the judge of what’s fit? Get off your high horse, and maybe produce the content you’d like to see.

But I do agree that having maybe weekly check up threads, like protein source Saturday or form check Friday would be cool. Anything to promote actual discussion and growth with being”fit” and a vegan