Who are your favorite people - genuinely - in CrossFit?

@slickk77 I have to say, Justin Medeiros, due to the fact he is still young and always keeps on going and going! Happy to see him advancing to the games!

We have to give him credit for the mullet as well.
@slickk77 On the women's side: Kristi Eramo O'Connell and Kara Saunders. On the men's side: Brent Fikowski and Scott Panchik (Pat Vellner is up there too). Basing these off of who I'd want to hang out with IRL.
@slickk77 Zack George, one of the most down to earth people I’ve ever encountered.
Extraordinarily dedicated to everything he does as well as maintaining a warm and open personality.
@slickk77 Pat Sherwood is great, and more of what society needs. Fitness, no pressure, just positive vibes. CrossFit is great; the sport is entertaining (to me) - but it’s also extremely, very intimidating.

As much as I enjoy the Josh Mat Sevan podcast, there’s a lot about them that I find unpleasant. But I think that’s true for almost anyone. Even Vellner. He’s Canadian, good natured, extremely fit - but then he’s a chiroquacker.
@chantelle1989g What do you not like about Josh mat and seven? That podcast has made me dislike Fraser and Sevan more, but I’ve come around to Bridges. Bridges used to get on my nerves a little because he came across as very immature; but not so much on the podcast.
@slickk77 I agree with Kristi.

Jayson Hopper is a Greenville, SC boy like me so he's moving to the top of my list. Seems like a nice guy to me, too.

Fraser has grown on me over the years. :)