Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?


New member
Hi, 36F here. I’ve been doing Crossfit for 6 months and personal training + gym for years before that. Could someone explain why all of a sudden last Monday I managed to pull myself up to the bar without a band? What changed between that time and my last pull-ups two days before where I needed that band? What did I unlock in my body? Thanks!
@onedayworthy Ok I feel called out by this. 15-16 strict pull ups,and captains chair pull ups and chin ups galore,but haven't been able to get all the way up and over in a strict bar muscle up. Just a huge chest to bar pull up. Haven't tried in a while. Maybe I magically unlocked this and mastered it without putting the time and energy into it that I know I need to,lol.
@backes007 Oh-I had a max strict set of 26 pull ups-couldn’t figure out a muscle up (bar or ring). Another athlete explained it to me-I ran and jumped to the bar, and voila. Muscle up. Hopped on the rings-coach that was in class said “X” and kapow. RMU. Still can’t touch my toes. It’ll happen. Practice.
@backes007 I was in this situation. There was a time when after a wod I just tried one and I just did it. I was actually scared to get down. 😂 Now the struggle is about getting them one after the other!

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