Why can I do 6 pull ups but barley can do 20 push ups? Any tips to improve

@itsjustmerae Do pushups every single day and try to do one more each day, if you can't don't worry just try again the next day. I did this when I was in high school and went from 25 at my lowest to 50 being my highest. Tbf that's when I didn't have my form right. Point is just keep practicing
@itsjustmerae Just keep doing push ups. And every time you do then try and do more. Working out is easy. Want to take it to the next level? Just go slower, hold at top and bottom for a couple seconds.
@itsjustmerae Well pull strength doesn’t quite line up at all with push endurance, now I am at a similar situation like you being a bit over 200lbs and some bit younger(tho I’m not chubby In the slightest at all) now your push ups could be worst than you think, in that case record your self and correct by looking at a proper tutorial and working from there.

now if they are good and you are just stagnating, you can either do greasing the groove( doing 50%-80%) of ur max reps once an hour all day, or start working up to dips which will build additional strength and automatically have transference to push up endurance. You could also try out some push ups on gymnastics rings which trust me will help a lot.
@itsjustmerae I'm somewhat similar, I can only do 20 pushups but I can get 4 pull-ups. However I do a full lock out of my arms on both pushups and pullups, and I touch my chest to the ground or chest to the bar for every rep of pushups and pullups respectively. I'm curious to know whether this is supposed to be normal or not.
@itsjustmerae I went to boot doing 20 and I was fine. Most of the recruits in my platoon could only do about 20 especially after the food and sleep deprivation hit us like a truck. Focus on your pull-ups and fight tooth and nail not to lose that strength in boot by working out when you can during your hour of free time.