Why do people say it's hard to do a recomp while burning fat, and gaining muscle weight?


New member
For some reason I keep getting asked not to come back to gyms when I tend to stick to myself, and maxing machines (i.e. 97.5kg+ 20 lbs on top of a half ball, leg pressing 3.6X my weight [22 45s] on the 45 degree leg press)? I'm honestly a natural, what am I doing wrong? I try to keep a strong growth signal for my muscles to grow

I'm goldilocksing (too much fat/too little muscle) the mid 220s (up from 210 in November) while loosing fat (84 cm 16 lbs of fat last week on the Evolt when done with my work out), and gaining muscle in prep for showing the tallent of big muscles as a model/actor. I've noticed that I'm also the biggest guy that walks in the gym normally.
@medbeel If you’re being asked not to return to multiple gyms, it’s probably got nothing to do with your goals. You must be behaving in a way that makes people uncomfortable and/or irritated.

Are you screaming your head off? Are you refusing to share? Are you arguing with people constantly? Do you have incredibly stinky BO?
@thudomi1582 What do you mean when all the interactions I really do is sound advice (like wrist grips cause you to loose strength in your hands), and "have you tried ______".

I shower every day.
@steph Yes, I'm the biggest lean guy in the gym by muscle size, and lean. The bigger guys tell me that all their size is fat. 103 LBS of muscle on a 6'3" frame last scan.
@medbeel Recomp means you eat at maintenance while building muscle and burning fat

It’s the eating at maintenance part that’s hard when you’re hitting the gym a lot, tends to make people hungrier

You should track your cals if that’s your goal