Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

@davenigeria Try using a chest press/Smith machine, but not feeling your chest isnt the end of the world. Keep getting stronger in presses and flies and you'll eventually develop a connection
@davenigeria Focus on the negative. It doesn’t have to extremely heavy weights. You also need to arch your back and stretch your pecs when you lift. Focus on a full range of motion when you lift and pause for a second at the bottom.

I have the same issue where I only feel chest exercises on certain movements. I found that flyes and pec deck were great for me because it gave that stretch I need to active my chest.
@davenigeria Work in some dips, decline cable presses, and cable flies. Squeeze your chest together as much as you can at the peak of the lift, like you're trying to hold a pencil between your man boobies. They'll grow.
@davenigeria I have started just simply going stupid with how far I stretch my press down because I began having issues with progressing further and its working. You could also try to do like a semi fly with the dumbbells stretching a bit lower so you dont go in your shoulder zone and try to get the weight up by going from that fly into a closer pushing motion(also dont stay with your back flat, try to arch it a bit)
@davenigeria most important thing to train chest effectively is to press your shoulder blades together! So you will train the chest part more effectively without using much of bizeps trizeps and shoulder.
And ofc always warm up your shoulders before chest training.
@davenigeria How much water do you drink before gym? If I don't get at least a litre in before the gym I have no pump for my chest and tri's, and barely feel my back with back exercises