I'm going to stop you right there.
I'm all for the veggies but you need to have some lean protein with those veggies. Grilled chicken is almost always a great addition there.
Also, your macronutrient ratios don't matter so much as raw calories in versus calories out, carbs are going to make your brain work better and make you feel better, and give you energy for your workouts, healthy fats are going to help your heart and your brain as well, especially omega-3s, and protein is important not only to build muscle but also to fuel normal bodily processes like creating enzymes and such.
it doesn’t seem like protein is very important at my extreme obese state
I'm going to stop you right there.
I'm all for the veggies but you need to have some lean protein with those veggies. Grilled chicken is almost always a great addition there.
Also, your macronutrient ratios don't matter so much as raw calories in versus calories out, carbs are going to make your brain work better and make you feel better, and give you energy for your workouts, healthy fats are going to help your heart and your brain as well, especially omega-3s, and protein is important not only to build muscle but also to fuel normal bodily processes like creating enzymes and such.