“I’m going to Rx 18.3” ~ A guy who can’t do pull-ups


New member
I’m not going to be able to do a single pull up in 18.3. So I might as well spend the 14 minutes slowly going through my DUs and OHS. At least I’ll rank higher since I started and Rx instead of finished a Scale
@wangs I can't do pull ups either, let alone muscle ups. My PR for DU's was 8. I just did the workout (and decided, fuck it I might as well do RX) and I did 100 DU's! I still can't believe I did that many! I wasn't going to bother setting up my bar because I didn't think I'd get there. It's the magic of the open! Do it!
@wangs I was talking to someone about this yesterday. If you don't have either, you might as well push yourself on the first part of the workout by doing rx. You can still work on pull ups after if you want.

I'm super curious to see how long us averages take getting to the pull up / muscle up part.
@thienvietcom It took me 4:45 to get to the muscle ups. Dubs and ohs are my wheelhouse. Then I spent 9 minutes flailing on the rings and cussing. Best way to start a Friday morning.
@charlie88 Just got through doing this exact process. The DU and OHS didn't kill me and got to the MU with close to 10 mins left. Final Score - 220 with a possible broke pinky from hitting the ground out of frustration like an idiot...

Successful morning.
@thienvietcom Took me 11 min to get to the muscle ups because the overhead squat weight is 88% of my previously tested max - although I did a set of 5 so I feel my 1RM must be higher! Still, challenging weight for me, but the dubs were fast for me.
@thienvietcom This was me. I can't do a pull up without bands, 115 on the OHS is no problem, DUs are hard but doable.

So I can do 200 SU and 20 air squats and be done in 6 minutes or I can actually get a work out in. Guess I'm doing Rx.
@realcristian Ladies weight for me, which is definitely heavier than my normal. I actually tried 85 x 4 a few days ago and it felt fine, but I imagine I’ll be gassed after whipping myself with the rope for the last 30 reps of each DU round.
@wangs Totally agree.

Get as far as you can RX. When you get a movement you don’t have yet, try a couple reps - when you’re satisfied with your effort, sign your scorecard, move to YOUR preferred scaling, and get a good workout in for the rest of the time.

I don’t get why this is always a question. If you really want to compare yourself to the rest of the leaderboard, why wouldn’t you want to show off everything you’re capable of, even if that is just 200 DU’s and 20 OHS? You can RX them. Show it and claim it. It’s not cheating or devaluing anything.
@wangs That's me. I'm a female in the 45-49 age group. I can't do a pull up (not even close) but I can double under like there's no tomorrow. I have no business being in the RX group on 18.3 (I can't OHS 80lbs), but I will probably go RX on it anyway because I figure if I can't complete the scaled workout either, I might as well do 100 DU really fast and get a higher ranking out of it. I don't feel it's really fair to the other athletes (regular people not elites) that are truly better than I am and have to scale this one because of the MU, but I don't really have a choice which is unfortunate.
@robertoalinexs I’m in the same boat; late 40s, only light lifts and no pull ups, but I can do 15-20 double unders at a time. But I’m getting close to pull ups, so I’m debating whether to go for an easy Rx score with just the DU, or actually try the scaled workout and maybe get my first pull up (and an actual workout).
@katia20 I did the 100 DUs this morning for the official score, then switched to the scaled version and tried the pull-up with no luck so scaled further to jumping pull-ups just to get a good 14 minute workout in. I think I would prefer my fast DU score over getting 1 pull-up in a scaled 18.3. I can get my first pull-up during another regular class WOD. It doesn't have to be in the Open to be any more of a significant accomplishment for me. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
@wangs The open isn't always about getting the best workout possible it's about pushing yourself to do something challenging.

Most days it would be better for your training to scale this workout and get a nice 14 minute workout while developing some skill work. But in the open go for broke and try the RX just to see if you surprise yourself. Good luck!
@wangs Now this is a great attitude. Just do what you can and be happy. I love it. Just a heads up, there is a tiebreak time at the end of your final set of completed double unders... so it still pays to go fast.
@wangs And then after 1x scaled, 1x RX, there’s happy MONDAY REDO day and you do what sharks do every day! Get up early, chasing al kinds of lazy creatures, biting them, remembering all, that you’re a big mean dangerous SHARK, without excuses, whining or complaining! 😂

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