“Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

@rogerstees Even doing high rep squats and deadlifts aren’t going to keep my heart rate high for long enough to be good enough cardio for heart health. Definitely not if I actually want to be in decent shape!
@jess1 Yes it does because a large part is going to be anarobic which doesnt need you to have a high hearth rate for long to improve cardio vascular function.

I repeat for most if not all people who train seriusly for hypertrophy this will make you reach the recommend cardio level for health benefits.
@lovely_krystal86 First, let me say I love ANY information about Bodybuilding. My collection of BB literature is bigger than any bookstore or library I have seen.

Younger guys don't realize we are living in the golden age of the scientific study of bodybuilding.

This stuff simply did not exist before. Almost all research was done for either O lifting or P lifting.

So I'm not going to criticize anyone.

But here is the issue:

Every person is different. Within that difference, every person is at a different circumstance of their own individual differences. Within that circumstance, a person is their situation in that block of time. This goes down to the moment.

People want cut and dried answers: "Which exercise is best?" "How many times a week should I train?" "How many reps should I do"?

The answer is: there is a range of answers, some more right than others, and this answer will change over time. There are places to start. There are truisms.

But as one moves along, these things change.

No one wants to hear that.

One of the Best analogs is a batter's stance in baseball.

EVERYONE is taught the same stance in the beginning.

EVERYONE uses a different stance in the Pros. No one is wrong.
@lovely_krystal86 Both Alex AND the original person that made the video he's reacting to are strawmanning the shit out of Dr. Mike.

Dr. Mike has never been "optimize to be perfect!" In fact, he's a huge proponent of doing what works for you, going off exercises that work for you the best, and ultimately finding your own training volume limits. He, in fact, does exercises that he knows aren't exactly perfect according to the research because he likes them. He's even said that form is not even going to be the same or perfect for everyone.

Dr. Mike also approaches things from a standpoint of "injury prevention." He also has admitted that some people do just fine going balls to the wall 100% to failure 100% of the time.

The comments are even worse than the video sometimes. Like people shitting on Dr. Mike for a Jeff Nippard video and saying that Dr. Mike put SLDL as a "top back exercise" over Barbell Row...when Dr. Mike has several videos about how deficit BB Row is fantastic.
@lovely_krystal86 I don't think there were a lot of people following them as closely as I did their first few years. Mike and James were putting out a ton of good and thoughtful info, mostly via there weekly Q&A on RP+. They were also genuinely funny.

However without doubt they had their weaknesses even then, especially regarding anything to do with technique, injuries, or physiology.

The thing is it seems they developed a 'method' and once it was set (it did go thorough a few iterations) that was it. The content started to dumb down, the jokes became stale, and Mike's political leanings become more evident.

At this point, the guys who helped me understand nuance in programing lost all sense of nuance, and they are basically stuck in a rut of their own digging (The APP)

I think for me, the moment I realized something is off was an appearance on Revive Stronger a couple of years ago when Mike said we're a year or two away from knowing everything there is to know about hypertrophy. Basically that everything has been answered except a few minor details.

There's so much we don't know, that whole notion was silly and showed a lack of practical understanding. My POV is Mike is a theorist, and uses logic over evidence and practical experience to guide him.

Edit: Just watched GVS's original video, and he pretty well nails it my thoughts. Bromley is just piggy backing, which seems to be the thing on YouTube now all the fitness people are doing it. Not a fan personally.
I think for me, the moment I realized something is off was an appearance on Revive Stronger a couple of years ago when Mike said we're a year or two away from knowing everything there is to know about hypertrophy. Basically that everything has been answered except a few minor details.

This is just me speculating, but I consume a lot of this content and it does sound like there’s a lot of really cool, thoughtful research in the works. Will we know “everything” about hypertrophy? Of course not. But I do think there’s a ton of momentum for well thought out research by people who really know what they’re doing both in the gym and in the lab that can give us a ton of new insight.
@lovely_krystal86 If you don't like RPs content or humor, don't watch. If you want non-bodybuilding-specific info, don't watch RP.

I get GVS's video saying stop overthinking, just do the work, but I ain't about meta-youtube commentary content.
@humbleknight You completely correct here. The problem is to many newer lifters see his videos, take it as gospel and spread it here and other parts of the internet. Lyle McDonald is completely correct in his assessment that there is this group of YouTubers that just circle jerk each other. People see 3-4 influencer use the same trash study to justify their view of fitness and the next you know it’s the “science way of doing it”
@lovely_krystal86 I think this video is a long-winded exposition skirting around the real problem with social media fitness influencing - once you become dependent on the making content for income, you're going to find yourself making mountains out of every molehill to justify making a video.

This video is almost an example of that.
@plans4good Aye, content creation that's highly profitable needs to constantly confuse viewers in order to stay relevant. Just putting out useful basic content runs out quickly.

That's why you have a lot of the science channels putting out content very quickly that's always some new trendy thing and you have the likes of GVS only putting out videos every other month when he has something actually useful to say.