3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

@katty143 My mom does the 60 mile 3 day walkathons for breast cancer, they've got lots of great tips for things like this as well (but tbh, you summed up most of them).
@katty143 Whoa!! This is amazing and something I never even thought about doing before. I feel proud of myself of days when I get more than 20k steps. Maybe I should try aiming for 30k. This is inspirational, thanks!
@katty143 Congratulations! How much did you sleep the following night? I just read the book Why We Sleep and am thus a little horrified at your 3 1/2 hours of sleep the night before - the fact that you walked so far on so little sleep is possibly more impressive than the distance itself! I would have fallen asleep standing up.
@polarrys I literally JUST finished that book (like 20 minutes ago), and came to the comments wondering if anyone would bring up the lack of sleep, hah. Especially since it increases injury rate and reduces healing.

/@katty143 you might find the book useful for getting better sleep!
@mohanmallik I’m super worried about the lack of sleep thing. I’ve tried to get rest today and will be going to bed early tonight so hopefully that will help recovery. I’m feeling good so far.
@polarrys My sleep is terrible but I generally try to shoot for an 8:30pm bedtime because my first workout of the day is 4:45-6am.

But, I did take a long nap before bed Sunday so I think that's what pushed me through my Monday walking adventure.
@katty143 For anybody that's interested in doing this, there's usually long-distance charity walks you can do. For example, I did London to Brighton which is 100km/62 miles in 24h for the British Heart Foundation (though I dropped out at 77km due to blisters)! Or there's Dodentocht, a yearly 100km event in Belgium which 12,000 people take part in.

OP, I'm impressed you did this on your own! I've always had the motivation of fundraising, a well signed route, free snacks, regular toilets, and other participants to motivate me!
@takkula I've done the Keswick to Barrow walk in the Lake District a few times- it's a charity walk of around 42 miles (the route has slightly varied in recent years). It took us 15 hours the first time but just 12.5 the second!

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