4'9" and i hate it

@rj7tennstars What can I say I'm 5'2 and 175 and i am obese but i don't look obese because I don't carry much weight in my waist and mostly on my breast and pretty muscular legs (i used to hike a lot)

But i know I'm obese and Iam working on it for past 3 months and I'm feeling amazing šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š
@rily Most of the tools we use to assess bodies fail to account for breasts. Bmi and measuring body fat don't account for it at all. I'm 5'2", about 124 lbs, 34 DD and about 30% body fat from last time I went.....I'm like hey can we do some adjustments for these boobs here bc they're several pounds of fatšŸ˜…
@godisatulpa Same girl I'm a DD too or maybe E but those shit are expensive and i was like dude you can't keep me in the same obese catagory , i wear Large because my boobs don't fit in a medium or sometimes in L too, so I have to buy XL shirts because middle button šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
@rj7tennstars I know what you mean! A couple extra inches in height and I would be a normal weight and have a higher calorie allowance which would be so much easier to maintain šŸ¤£

It really sucks sometimes, but it has its advantages I guess. I lose 2 kgs and it's really noticeable whereas my taller friend had to lose closer to 5kgs before she noticed changes in her appearance and how her clothes fit.
@rj7tennstars Totally get it. I am 5ā€™ and 140. I need to lose weight and itā€™s really tough especially at 52. You need to stop beating yourself up and come up with a plan to be healthy.
@rj7tennstars Iā€™m 140ish pounds at 4ā€ 11ā€ Iā€™m not obese but BMI puts me damn close. My measurements are roughly 36-31-43. I also crush it in the gym every week lifting weights. Iā€™d like to lose about 10lbs to get to my pre Covid weight but itā€™s damn hard. Focus on the gym and weightlifting is my advice for you.
@jesmincan Itā€™s crazy how body comp makes a huge difference. Your measurements are basically my measurements at 180 pounds and Iā€™m 5ā€™ 2ā€ā€¦ šŸ¤Æ

36 bust
29-30 waist
45-6- hips
@jesmincan šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
I wish I could give you some lol
My goal is 42ish hips, D cup( getting my boobs done) and 26inch waist. I think itā€™s doable for me. Iā€™ll look like Nicki šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
@chrismonolo When I dropped to 110ish lbs I had a 26ā€ inch waist. That was the smallest Iā€™ve been since puberty. Forget where my hips were at, but theyā€™ve always been wide. Boobs always small lol. Good luck with your journey!
@chrismonolo Body composition is nuts, which I think is why I love seeing other peopleā€™s stats. Itā€™s crazy how we all gain and lose weight in different places. Iā€™m 5ā€™1, currently 143, 36-29-38. Itā€™s so weird how weight sits so differently on people! I felt my best at ~110 and 35-25-36, but I think itā€™s gonna take me a while longer to get back there since Iā€™ve only lost ten pounds in the last 3-4 months lol
@rj7tennstars I definitely donā€™t think all of us should be expected to be in the 100-110 lbs range because Iā€™d be stick skinny at that weight even at 4ā€™10ā€¦ which I personally donā€™t like the look of on myself. I prefer to stay between 120-130 lbs. So I get what you mean in a way
@rj7tennstars Yeah, it's super frustrating. Everyone bitching at you that your are in fact technically obese is missing the point, and I find that really rude in this sub which is specifically for short women who should understand what you mean without being pedantic about it.

I'm 4'11" and I know I need to lose weight but the amount of work that it will take to get to what people think I should weigh (without taking into account anything else about my build and so on) is overwhelming.
@rysterf I know I only commented about the O P being a obese because she said she doesnā€™t look obese. I honestly wish she posted pictures because I canā€™t imagine someone being 4ā€™ 9 and 168 pounds and not looking chubby. 168 pounds is a lot for somebody who is a little taller so I canā€™t even imagine being that height and weighing that much and not looking like you weigh a decent amount. I think some people her height commenting that theyā€™re 120 or 125 thatā€™s a 40lb+ difference and 40 pounds is a lost of weight. It honestly wouldnā€™t matter how muscular she is and how much exercise she puts in. I know bodybuilders who are less than 10% body fat cool are considered obese on their BMI and are super ripped. If the OP was super ripped because she lifts weights, I doubt she would even be frustrated by her cousin.

I know what the O P is trying to say, but she mentioned she feels like crying and that kind of struck a nerve because in the end of the day if youā€™re overweight try to lose weight thatā€™s really all it is. Itā€™s not rocket science itā€™s not some thing that you know will take a miracle. If you want to lose weight, change your diet exercise, and it will happen. Unless she has some type of disorder like PCOS weight loss should not be an issue. Out of all these comments I donā€™t see the the O P actually explaining what she means by her comment I saw she posted that she used to be 180 pounds. I donā€™t care what height you are on the shorter side, 180 pounds is 20 pounds away from 200lbs. Very few people who are short and look healthy at 200lbs.

The comments arenā€™t super positive because honestly why even mention being obese if you donā€™t think obesity is a real thing. She mentioned that she doesnā€™t look obese and thatā€™s why everybody commented the way they did.

Hey, as long as sheā€™s happy. In the end thatā€™s all that matters.
@rj7tennstars On the flip side, my taller friends will complain that they canā€™t see any results even though the scale says they lost 5-10lbs. On frames like ours losing even a small amount of weight makes a huge difference in the mirror! Read in one of your comments that youā€™ve already lost 10+ lbs -you got this!