5’0 and under … what’s your treadmill speed for walking?


New member
I know comparison is stupid but humor me. 😂

I haven’t been on a treadmill in a while, I have a walking pad I’m going to start using again. I just always see people be like 3.0 to start at an easy pace, I feel like I’m jogging at that pace haha.

Obviously I’ll just build up and see where I get to, but I was curious what other short gals walk at.

What’s your comfy pace? Exercise pace?

Do you like walking outside or treadmill?
Super weird but I love pacing in my home 😂 I found it when I got into step counting and it almost feels like meditating for me lol.
@diamonife1998 SAME. I kept feel bad that I was forced to jog basically starting at 4 mph but saw enough fellow shorties post about to realize that we're just short 😭 I always feel like a little dog trying to keep up with my taller friends hahaha
@diamonife1998 Same height... Anything between 2 and 2.9 mph is a casual walk, 3 to 3.5 feels like a strut, 3.6 looks like I am trying to speed walk to the nearest bathroom, 4 is a jog, and 4.6 and up is a run
@jesusfreak34988 Same stats here. 5'2 with short legs. I can easily jog at 3.5 - 5mph. I usually walk at 3mph which feels like a faster walk and I will sound slightly winded if I'm talking. 2mph to cool down. I've been walking on the treadmill for 3 years now, and these speeds have stayed the same for me.
@jesusfreak34988 I'm 5'2". 3.4 is a walk for me, 4.0 is a jog and I normally run at 5.2-5.4.
Today a REALLY tall guy (gotta be 6'5" or up) got on the tread next to me and was easily jogging at 8.8. I wanted to cry, I run full out at 6.5.
@uticus 5’0, speed is about 2.5 on treadmill.

Honestly, I think this varies so much because it depends on how long your legs are… you can be 5’0 and have longer legs than someone who has 5’1/5’2. All depends on the torso to leg ratio.
@soundwavesurfer Soooo true. My best friend and I are both 5’1”. One day, years ago, we went back-to-back to measure ourselves and my butt was on her back!! lol! She feels like she has an abnormally long torso and I feel like I have abnormally long legs.
@uticus 5’0” here! My comfy/warmup/cooldown pace is 3.6 mph, and my exercise pace is 3.8 mph. If I’m on the treadmill I do a 2% incline, but if I’m on my walking pad it’s just flat. I do 2.6-2.8 mph on my walking pad if I want to multitask (read, type, etc.) because that requires a little more attention.

It took me time to build up to this. My “easy jogging” was 3.6 mph for like two months. Now I’m up to 4.0-4.2 mph. I love going outside when it’s warm and sunny, otherwise I’m a treadmill addict.

Honestly, do whatever feels best for you! Movement is all that matters. Speed comes eventually. Focus on distance and time (i.e. “I’m going to walk for 30 mins/1 mi without taking a break”) and buildup from there if you so desire.
@uticus 5’0” and my warm up/cool down pace is 3.2 with no incline. With an incline and a fast walk, I try to be between 3.4-3.8 and will play with the inclines until it feels right. 5.0 is a jog for me. 6.0 is my running speed.
@leander22 Which stats?
5'2 high weight 250 something. Currently 175lbs.

I walked 3.5 for about 5 months at elevation of 6-12 (was getting ready to be able to easily hike/lose weight).

Once, I felt like my body wasn't getting the same type of work out from walking at elevation. I started walking at 4.

Then I started jogging a bit just to mix it up. 5.3 feels comfortable for me. 5 seems just slightly too slow. Since I am new to jogging, I can only go for about 8 minutes at a time, then I walk at 3.5 for 5 mins, then jog again. Trying to aim for another 8/more.
Slowly, less time spent jogging because I get worn out.

At my higher weight, I used to get pain in my sheins from walking at 3.5. Stretching before helped me a lot. I will take tiny steps while on my heels. Then, tiny step on my toes to help stretch my sheins. I still do this little stretch before I start every time.

Maybe stretch it out before you start? Look up stuff for the area you are uncomfortable in?
@leander22 I hear you. I'm 5'1" 210 and used to weigh AT MOST 140, better days 105-130. Life hit bad and now I'm trying to lose it. I have muscle from being active my whole life and my last job I'd get 10,000 steps a day in hospital and some running, up and down stairs, etc...i was fit from the job. I got a tredmill a month+ ago and my fast walk starts tapping out at 3.2 ish then it makes more sense to go into a jog because I don't want to injure my ankle or calves or feet with such a fast awkward walk. Now I'm working my way to jogging but I'm discouraged online with some numbers. I feel I have to work twice as hard as a taller person but bc they have more body mass they lose it easier?! Annoying, frustrating but keeping up with it.

Edit:although I might add my phone is detecting a higher mph than my tredmill saying I'm up to 3.5 at 2.8

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