5’0 and under … what’s your treadmill speed for walking?

@uticus So I really don’t want to be shot here as the messenger but speed has zero to do with height/leg length. It’s all about foot turnover. Elite marathoners are not tall people. Shorten your stride, pump your arms

All of these paces are great because you’re up and moving but if getting faster is your goal please don’t believe you will be limited by leg length.
@nickkhun23 I totally agree!! I think speed is something that comes over time / sometimes lifestyle. When I lived in a walkable city I would cover a mile in 15 minutes. Now with time and life and laziness I cannot do that 😂 but I haven’t grown at all obviously so it’s def not leg length. I just got curious today is all.

No shooting! You’re perfectly right, also the shorter strides was such a game changer when I learned it.

Great advice! :)
@uticus I say I'm 5'1, but I might be 5'.5" and I just started back on my treadmill recently. I know from past experience that my little legs are capable of 4 mph walking speed (I don't run—ever) but I'm not there yet this time around, and I'll probably never be there on an incline. Yesterday, I was at 3 and 7 incline, but I wasn't able to maintain it for my whole walk. Last week, I couldn't even get to 3.
@uticus 5'3".
I use 3.0mph as my warm up pace, it's a brisk walk, it takes a bit of effort so it is good for running warm up. If I want something a bit easier or I am incline walking 2.6 mph is much more comfortable.
@uticus I’m 5 feet even and recovering from laxative bulimia and I do 3.5 miles for 20 minutes a day but I’m planning to increase to 3.5 miles for 20 minutes twice a day