5’0 and under … what’s your treadmill speed for walking?

@uticus I’m 5’1 and use the treadmill to practice power hiking for the trail ultras that I train for so I don’t have to worry about tripping over rocks lol and I can still walk at 4 mph and an incline of 10%. If I up the incline, I turn the speed down to 3.8 and if I want to run a bit, I put the speed to 4.2. Most of my runs are outside though and on trails but it’s nice to have the treadmill as a different training variable.
@uticus I'm 5'1 and I think I have a short torso and long legs but
Comfy pace is 2.7ish, fast but can do for a whole hour on a good day is 3-3.5, fast walking is 3.5-4, really fast is 4-5, then after 5.2ish Id have to start jogging.
I also work towards being able to walk really fast without jogging and it's a small goal of mine so that skews the numbers
@uticus 5’3 and my just got on the treadmill warmup speed is 3.6 for a minute then go actual speed is 3.8-4.0. My true speed walk is 4.1-4.3. My jog is 6.0
@uticus 3mph is a “normal” pace for me. My husband has long legs and he always says he feels like he has to practically walk backwards to go my pace, meanwhile I’m out here huffing and puffing if I try to walk at his leisurely speed.
@uticus I am 144cm and have short speedy legs. It takes a bit of warming up to, but nowadays I like speed-walking at no incline 4–5.5mph, 5mph+ takes some mad concentration, 4.5mph I can browse Reddit on my phone or whatever, 4mph I can do maths or study if I want to multitask and exercise but there’s a bit of a brain lag.

Jog/run at around 5–6.5mph. Leisurely walk at 3–3.5mph, where I can actually shift focus to other activities. Incline is SO hard for me for some reason and needs considerably lower speeds.
@uticus I'm 5'0 and my walking pace on the treadmill is 1.5 - 2.0. My run ranges from 4.5 - 5.5 depending on my energy and I just do it for 45-60 mins.
@uticus I prefer outdoors but only in nice weather

3.5 is my max.. I’ve done slightly faster on accident.. lol

I do intervals and “hill” workouts from Peloton or Apple Fitness