5’3”, 148 lbs - Seeking Advice


New member
Hey everyone! I would appreciate some advice here.
  • I’m 5’3” F and 148 lbs, 28F
  • Eating around 1600 calories daily (using MyFitnessPal) and aiming for 70-80 grams of protein.
  • Working out 5-6 times a week, burning about 450-600 calories each session (though I know the fitness tracker might overestimate).
  • Also running/swimming outside of the gym about 3 times a week.
  • Been doing this for 2 months now. No change on the scale, but my clothes fit a bit better.
  • Tried creatine(4gms daily) for 6 weeks but stopped 2 weeks ago because of significant face bloat. Still no weight change.
I don't have the healthiest relationship with food and I'm working on improving it. I'm also trying to cut alcohol down to once a week.

What should I tweak to see better results and not feel stuck?

@amooama This may not be related to or helpful to you, but I’m gonna share what it was for me in case it makes u curious…

When my calories are 1600 as a goal, I would “BLT” my way into a surplus. BLT= bite lick taste..

I had to set a goal of around 1800 to not “grab a cracker… lick the spoon… eat my kids crust… extra dash of olive oil…. take 2 more little bites…” those few things and 💥! You’re gaining. It’s all it takes. That could be 50+80+200… now you’re over 300 cals over and yet u didn’t EAT MORE!! How insanely easy is that, crazy right? And u didn’t “overeat”!!! U had a frickin cracker! Ehhh that’s what it feels like but that big peanut butter spoon lick, and that extra salad dressing u didn’t use very sparingly screwed yourself.

I do not share this to create food panic, but to help anyone who may be gaslighting themselves like I was…

For me personally I had to not put anything in my mouth other than meals- (lunch at 1, dinner at 6, then DONE) and when I thought I was being strict in the past and I got real honest with myself and got CURIOUS about it- I noticed that “wow I am gas lighting myself. Giving myself false hope and never changing. I keep grabbing the random little extra, here and there a few days a week, I was at 2200 calories NOT EATING MORE- just “BLTS”.

I owed it to myself to knock it off so I could see what happens.

What happened? I lose 12 pounds that would not come off.

It took brutal honesty.
@amooama Saw you posted this in the otf sub, but I will say the same. I would limit your workouts. You are working out potentially 9x a week and only eating 1600 calories. I recommend limiting your workouts. You aren’t giving your body time to recover. I currently eat 1500-1600 as my deficit as well but workout 3x a week (1 is otf) and I have a sedentary job. Check a tdee calculator for your deficit (maybe 1800?) but you are definitely not eating enough protein. You should eat at least 120g.

Also don’t just rely on the scale but take measurements.
@amooama Sounds counterintuitive but you have to trust me on this: eat more and have more rest days. Recovery is equally as important as getting your work out in. Also you won’t like this, but reduce alcohol even more and be patient. 2 months is nothing if you’re doing a lifestyle change.

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