7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)

@joshgale123 Hey there! If your goal is a body recomp then just eat around your maintenance calories and consume at least 100g of protein a day while lifting heavy using progressive overload. If you're just trying to lose weight then it's all calories in calories out :) either up your activity level or consume less calories (or a combination of both)
@colamex Sorry if I messing up the terms. But recomp usually means drop body fat and increase muscle mass am I right. Should I have to eat in a deficit to lose the fat?
@joshgale123 Yes that's why recomp is a little hard to track since you might be losing fat but putting on muscle so your weight might stay the same or even slightly go up. Eating at maintenance or even a very small calorie deficit (100-200 cals) will work. I wouldn't recommend too large of a deficit.
@colamex I love reading this as a fellow short Asian. I love seeing your weight too because it helps me realize weight is not the end all, be all. You look freaking amazing and soooo freaking strong! You're seriously goals
@dreenbmp Ayee! Yes the short Asian struggles lol. Every time I visit home my mom still says stuff like "oh you should be like 120 lbs" sigh took me a long time to get rid of the typical Asian weight stigma
@colamex Oh it would not have helped if you were taller. My mom is still wrapping herself around the idea that her 140 pounds (5-5’1 now, she still says 5’3 on her drivers license despite the top of her head only coming up to the bottom of my nose) and my 140 pounds (5’5) are not the same.

The fact that I can fit into her old clothes from when she was 124 pounds and she cannot finally hit her that height does in fact make a difference

I’ve also had the misfortune of realizing even though I weigh the same now as I did a decade ago when I was doing ballet and swimming hours a day.
I didn’t realize just how much muscle changes until I realized I didn’t have a second chin in any of my ballet/swimming days that I do now.
@g114833 I've tried to explain to my mom about the science behind it all but I think she's just stuck in her traditional asian ways where a small number on the scale is good regardless of height or muscle composition :( best I can do now is to let the words go into one ear and out the other!
@pastormoazzam Thank you! I was just as shocked as you are lol. The numbers on the scale didn't really budge, so I definitely felt like I was spinning my wheels but decided to get a scan done anyway so it was a nice surprise haha
@colamex It can be so deceiving! This is why I bought a Bluetooth measuring tape (so much easier) and track my measurements alongside weight. In the last 6 months I’ve gained 14 lbs but lost about 13 inches total across my body. Helps keep my brain straight.
@rudelle I know I’m a year late to the party but can you recommend which Bluetooth measuring tape you got? I’ve never heard of this before and it looks perfect for what I need.

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