Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

@tomaszpl If you don't take care of yourself, you'll be of limited use to your family. Especially if you work/stress yourself into an early grave. Hope you get on a path good for all friend.
@tomaszpl Few points that were not covered in the discussion.

First, check your blood pressure. Get a blood pressure meter (or ask elderly neighbours to borrow theirs). Check couple of youtube videos on how to use it properly. Record the values for a few days.

If your blood pressure is 10-20 mmHg higher than norm, start using medication to keep it in check. If that is your case, in 2-4 weeks you will see significant improvements - highly reduced anxiety, tension pain, etc.

Use that change to adjust your daily routine. Can't afford gym? No matter the weather, grab the stroller, take the kids, and walk around the block for 40 mins before sleep. You Americans can't live without cars, but you pay huge price for that in terms of health. Bonus part - your kids will go to sleep much faster afterwards.

Feeling short of breath on long walks? For the first two weeks, while you are adjusting, use a cheat - get Salbutamol inhaler, the one that asthma patients use. It increases the volume of lungs for few percent.

Check the ventilation in your bedroom. Better get a thicker blanket but keep the windows open while you sleep.

Do a blood test to check Hemoglobin levels.

Vitamins are useless unless prescribed by a doctor following tests; don't waste money on them.
@tomaszpl What you described was me a few years ago. There are a lot of decent exercise plans you can do from home like fitness blender, beachbody, or other youtube videos (think p90x type stuff if you are familiar with that). Some of those you can do in 20-30 minutes or whatever fits into your schedule.

When I was about 30 lbs overweight I had a lot of troubles sleeping as well, I would basically wake up choking from the sleep apnea. Losing some weight fixed that, and you can accomplish that with just diet.
@tomaszpl Got a bike? Its great as the exercise starts right out the door, the only extra time involved is showering after. You can push as hard as you like. Can be done any time, kids down for a nap go for a ride and your partner has their me time next nap.
@tomaszpl Many great ideas here. I would add this. Make sure you're honest with yourself. I'm also in sales, working at home. Don't have youg kids anymore, but they were once. I've managed to make it work FOR ME despite these things:

Have never been inside a gym.
Watch less TV, but still watch plenty.
Eat less, some days a lot less, but still have pizza, wings, etc. But not nearly as often, a lot less snacks, almost no crappy snacks, no soda, sf coffee creamer.
Will not give up beer. Weekend only, but still...
Will not workout in the morning.

For me, its about finding 30-45 minutes every day after work. I have the luxury of knocking off a little early. And I work my ass off during that time. I don't count calories, but many days I would bet Im at 500-700 calorie deficit. I will have a bad Friday sometimes, I don't let that stop me.

Bottom line, you HAVE to figure out how to make time and eat less and healthier. Get a full vloodwork test and take appropriate actions with that. Take a sleep test, because what's the downside? Just do it.

Wake up tomorrow and say fuck it, I'm going to do this!!!!
@tomaszpl Try and find a cheap set of dumbbells on Craigslist (obviously a weight you can do that is somewhat challenging) and a jump rope. There are so many movements you can do at home. You can easily get your butt kicked in a 7-10 min workout where when you’re finished you’re dripping with sweat. With the dumbbells you can do so many variations of movements such as; walking lunges, goblet squats, front squats, thrusters, curls, shoulder presses. I could go on and on and on..... I really like doing pyramid workouts where you do reps of 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 with any movements you wants. For example.

2 air squats
2 sit ups
2 burpees

4 air squats
4 sit ups
4 burpees.

So on and so forth until you get to 10 reps then back down to 2.

There are so many options you can do man. I have two kids as well that are very young but I compromise with my wife and I get gym time. :). Keep up with the diet, use your resources (internet, Crossfit, YouTube) bump some good music and get that heart rate going.
@tomaszpl Saying you can't go to the gym is bullshit and you know it. Gyms have never been cheaper. Go first thing in the morning. It'll tire you out too.

I'm a father of two as well 34, I hit the gym 3 times per week generally sometimes more sometimes less, there really is no excuse in my book. The younger the kids are the harder it is, I get that, feeding, sleeping, nappies etc.

Get your kids into a routine because if they are not sleeping the whole night and not sleeping in their own beds that's going to fuck with your sleep.
@tomaszpl You can get a beachbody streaming subscription for 99 a year. They have a ton of 30 minute programs.m that require no or minimal equipment.