DEXA + Bodpod results 22 F/ 130 lb/ 5'5/ ~19% Bodyfat

@tim123 It seems pretty accurate. I bulk around 2300-2500 calories even though I'm super active. I also have hashimoto's hypothyroidism though so that could play a part in that.
@kevin247 Totally unrelated, but what do you use in your hair?! I'm supposed to funkify my hair for a play I'm in and I need texture like that!! I tried some texturizing paste tonight but it gave me an allergic reaction :(

Also I have told you this before but you are STUNNING. I'm going to keep working and when I grow up I wanna look like you :D
@aliahmed Thank you! For real though I just super lucked out with my bedhead that day, lol. The only way I could recreate it is via hairspray and teasing it.
@jhomar It doesn't directly relate, because you can build up your leg and glute muscles like I have but that won't change how you store your fat. It's probably a decent indicator for people that don't lift though.

And thank you! :)

Edit: just realized I may have misunderstood your comment. My waist to hip ratio is 0.73, which would be considered a pear.
@kevin247 I am pear shape and I'm working really hard on body recomp since pear is just the worst when fat. I am proud of you for breaking through your apple mold! I've always wanted that hour glass figure but a fit one. I am almost there!
@robjdonkin Honestly I wish I was pear. Outside of the health benifits, I personally think pear is just more aesthetically appealing, especially at higher fat ranges! Apples look like a ball on stick legs :/. I guess the grass is always greener.
@kevin247 lol, also an apple with lots of pear envy. The good news is that lifting can put your body shape into your own hands!

Cheers from another apple/inverted triangle who transformed, OP! You look amazing. I especially love how you're rocking your strong apple shoulders-- that's such a weird insecurity of mine, but when I see fit people who are owning it I realize how amazing they can look when they're well proportioned!
@kevin247 I know this sounds so incredibly naive, but as a complete compliment, you do not look like you're 19% body fat. Not that I have ANY expertise in eyeballing this kind of thing, but how could you possibly be that awesomely jacked and not be like 12% or lower, even bulking??
@rgvbaptist Actually, OP looks pretty close to what I would expect for someone around 18%. 12% for women is near essential body fat level and other than pro figure competitors you will not see anyone at that bf% walking around. Sure, many people will pretend to, I just gave an example a week ago of a friend of mine who was "measured" by a scale at 14%. She had love handles, tummy and absolutely no muscle definition in legs or arms. But on the other hand you will see plenty of women on here or on reddit claiming they are some ridiculously low bf% so of course we end of with a screwed image. Everyone's before is "like 24%" (ahem, more like 30%) and their afters are always always 18% or something in the high teens (while in fact a dexa would most likely give them low 20s at best). I am not saying this to scold you or anything, I see it all over reddit, bf% for women is completely a mystery for most people even for those pretend or should know what they are talking above. The OP sharing this results is such an important contribution, it really helps us all better understand how fit bodies work/look and what are some truly realistic expectations.