Disappointed with my 24.1 result

@damj 6’4 and 270lbs. Didn’t make it to the 9’s even and I think I’m in pretty decent shape. This workout just sucked really bad for tall people!
@damj I’m 50 years old and 6ft tall. I weigh 220. I was able to finish in 12:14 RX and to be honest I don’t know what I could have done differently to shave any time. It was a fight for sure. Great work on your achievement!! There are more workouts coming 😬.
@damj So far 24.1 is I think my lowest ever percentile (63rd). For comparison, I was 80th percentile overall last year and 79th the year before that.

I’m not exactly sure why. I have a shoulder injury and wasn’t sure I would even be able to do the Rx snatches on the bad arm, so that probably played a part. Not to worry. There’s still plenty more to come. Last year the 1RM thruster was my best result, so fingers crossed for a strength test of some sort 🤞
@damj 12th of CrossFit, 11th Open. It’s OK to be disappointed with your result for a short time, but the best thing I’ve learned is the following.

Make a plan for your workout with your coach and seek to execute it to the best of your ability. Plan to do the workout once and give it all you have. If your coach thinks it’s smart, then go ahead and do it again.

Enter your score on the Games site and then forget about it. Rest up and recover and prepare for the next workout. Don’t be a leaderboard gawker. Don’t constantly refresh and check your score and ranking throughout the day. This will do nothing to change the results and will simply stress you out.

Once the final workout of the Open is done, then rest and recover and celebrate your hard work. I would wait at least a week to check the leaderboard and then simply wait for your invitation to come from the quarterfinals. If it does, congratulations and prepare for the next step.

If the invitation does not come, the let yourself feel sad for a week at most, but move on with your life and begin the preparation again for the next season.

I’m 59 years old and so I am playing the long game of health and longer life through doing CrossFit

I would suggest unless you’re a top level athlete, who is making money off of this, that you do the same. Focus on your increased health, mobility, and fitness for your overall life. Realize that you are benefiting greatly, as are your family and others who love you. Fall in love with the process and let the results take care of themselves. You are not the result of your open ranking, nor whether you make quarterfinals or not. You are all so much more in the big picture of life.

Be disappointed for a little bit, but also keep perspective.
@damj I’m in your exact boat man - You beat me by 1 second and I’m the same stats as you too! If we get a barbell, rower and some wall balls and in .2 and .3 we might make it man !!

Seriously though, it wasn’t a tall guy WOD, look at the top of the leader board, it’s all the short guys! We will always struggle to compete on bodyweight, range of movement and gymnastics against the smaller guys!
@damj Yes, I feel the same. I have been training for Hyrox for the last couple of months and thought my engine was in a good place. I got 13:34 which was disappointing, I tried again taking the 21 section a bit slower but got a worse score. I think the 22.5kg dumbbell took it out of me and burpees is not my strongest movement. I just get demoralised when I see guys in the gym who I know don’t really work on cardio get a better score, just don’t understand.
@mentalperformnce Are you me!?! I feel exactly the same. I have been working on various things such as increasing my vo2 max, increasing endurance during cardio, and trying to better my general cardio by doing more running (I hate running!)... but I finished 13:36. I was gassed at the end! I don't know what more I can do apart from just being lighter. I am trying not to get down about it as it could be something simple as not breathing well during the workout and spiking my heart rate.
@damj talk to your coach, or maybe it's time to move up to a more advanced coaching. Don't just chalk it up to "engine not there". You may not be in a program that's going to get your engine where it needs to be. Program including nutrition, sleep, mobility, etc.

Another thought, and This is going to sound silly, but Fikowski is a super-approachable human being. I've commented on some of his posts, and he always writes right back. He may have some good guidance for you. Most of us on here aren't the elite athlete, and won't have the same perspective as Brent would provide to you.
@damj I pulled my back the morning I was supposed to attempt it. Got to 15s and was like nope can’t do another rep so I stopped. Very angry at myself for the situation I have no control of
@damj I feel you. This was a bit harder on us tall people, but it’s only the first week. Hoping for a heavy complex to show up 🤞🏻
@damj I had to stop halfway through because my camera wasn’t recording , and I had to restart the whole thing after 15 mins . it was very disappointing as a result , and I didn’t get to finish - got capped at 153 reps .

I am on a business trip, could only submit via video on that day, after noticing the camera issue I wanted to just give up . It took all my willpower to re-attempt , and as terrible as my result , I am still proud :)
@damj I’m not happy at all with how the workout went. The last burpee in the first set of 9 I landed on the dumbbell and my ankle twisted, I tried to continue but couldn’t put any weight on it. I had to sit there and watch around 3 mins just tick away. I wanted to try and repeat but my ankle is still swollen and sore.
@damj I had a similar experience to you and others in the thread. I thought this workout was made for me, but only got 12:43. I think it revealed how I struggle to go deep in the pain cave. I’ll keep going, but I slow down significantly. Lesson learned.
@damj Last year I was 62% and that workout was way worse than anything I did last year % wise. It just wasn’t my strength. I need to the weight to be higher, that one wasn’t heavy enough to slow down the cardio machines. I did finish though, which was basically my goal, couldn’t have done that 2 years ago. There is always one that seems easier than it it, especially when there were 5 workouts for my strengths/weaknesses.

It’s fine, don’t stress it. Each workout favors someone. Doubles, barbells and other fun things are coming.
@damj I didn’t finish the first time. Had 9 burpees left. You enter the pain gave soooo quickly on this one. Same as most, I went too hot. Went unbroken with the 21 snatches, and jumped down/step up on the burpees. Second time I did it, I broke up all the snatches from the beginning, step down/step up for the burpees, finished at 14:40. Im just happy I finished