Does anyone else have belly fat that looks/looked like this?

@davidjb I have one of those too! That being said, I have not always had it. What I do to lose it when cutting is: cardio warmup and/or cardio after lifting, ab workouts that target my lower abdomen (leg raises, v ups, planks, and other various ab workouts), and a lean diet.
@davidjb I have this too. I'm 5'7" and even when I was 105 lbs in high school I had that little bump. I find eating as clean as possible, minimizing dairy, and building up my legs has helped to make it looks smaller. It never really goes away but I've kind of learned to accept it. Lowering my body fat helps it shrink too.
@davidjb Yes. I'm 5'5 and about 115lbs (~2-3 pounds). It was much more prominent before I got into fitness and I was eating basically anything I wanted on a sedentary lifestyle (but I still weighed around 115). I started with some cardio/hiit routines in Sept 2014 which helped a little bit but then started switching to strength training in Sept 2015 (leg and arm workouts from fitness blender on youtube, and maybe only 1 day of intense cardio) and I see a much bigger difference than when I was doing only cardio exercises. The pooch is still there but on some lucky days... when the light hits it juuuusst right and I'm not bloated.. I see a mere shadow of definition there lol!

I'm going to keep up with the strength training and hope the definition improves. I haven't done any major bulking/cutting cycles but I have upped my daily protein much more (I am for 100g everyday, since the Fall) and I limit snacking on carbs (I was a major chips and cookies fiend). I hope this helps? Keep it up and don't get discouraged.
@davidjb I've been underweight my entire life and always had that - I honestly think those are just your internal organs poking out. It sometimes grows in size after I've eaten. Grab a handful of belly and compare how thick the layer of skin and subcutaneous fat is on the lower belly and on the ribcage. If it's not much thicker on the lower part, it's probably not just fat that's sticking out and just an effect of being a human with a digestive system!
@davidjb Girl, I WISH my belly fat looked like that! I understand you're trying to get abs, but I think you look fantastic, great shape, very slim yet still feminine :)
@davidjb Your uterus and other organs pressing against your abdominal muscles causes that, even when very slim. It's part of being a woman. The stronger those muscles, the better.
@davidjb I have that too at 5'5" and every weight I've been at since childhood. I'm 132 now and hoping to get down to 120 to get rid of it, but when I was down at 120 in high school I still had it...
@twocorners this is not as simple as it sounds--your hormones change (as in the amounts of certain hormones versus the others) as your grow older and this very greatly effects where fat gets stored. This is why young women most frequently store fat in their legs/hips and breasts, but men tend to store fat in their abdominal region and trunk (think of the beer belly). Further, this is why women who suffer from PCOS and are overweight tend to be apple-shaped--because they have way more testosterone than women are supposed to have, so their fat is preferentially stored in the upper body. It's because of what hormones we have. Dont get disheartened! Biology just makes things happen certain ways!
@twocorners I don't think so! I think it's a message that starving yourself to be skinny is a waste of time. I am SO much healthier now than I was 5 years ago.
@davidjb Yup, see ?

I'm really hoping mine will reduce a bit more when I lose more body fat % [was 27.7, now 25, goal 22-23?] but I know at a certain point, probably about where you are now based on your pic, I will have to give in and just accept this is where my body stores the slightest bit of extra fat!
@kennywayne99 Thanks for those! I do wish I could eventually be rid of it but I've more or less come to terms with the fact it might always be there. Oh well, as long as I reach my goals I won't let it bother me too much!
@kennywayne99 This is fascinating - good to know others are out there with the same issue! I know I have a LOT of extra weight to lose but I also know that even when I've been +/- 20lbs, my shape has looked the same.
@davidjb I've never been able to get rid of it completely. Dropping down to 145# at 5'-8" helped, but I was so unhappy trying to maintain that low, that I've decided my happy weight is around 155. The only time it really becomes a problem is with extra tight body con dresses, and frankly, that's what Spanx are for.