Frustrated about body size and TDEE

@legolas2106 that’s totally okay, i used to be extremely depressed/bedridden and had a binge eating disorder. I know how it is, i’ve only gotten to this point through taking medication, therapy and slowly increasing my activity levels for about a year
@dawn16 When I was really consistent with my workouts that was my absolute favorite thing about it- I could eat all I wanted and still wouldn't gain weight. There was even a time I was losing weight because I just couldn't consume enough. Talk about a dream problem!!
@stosa i do not jog very often, i told someone else in the replies how i get more steps in. :) I do mostly compound lifts in a 3 day split, legs and glutes, upper body and abs, and full body (no isolation movements just compound lifts for my full body)
@tanyastark I walk to work, park farther away from stores, I work fast food so i’m running out curbside orders all day and I have a desk treadmill in my room!! :) I also go on walks around the block in the mornings
@johnjs37 That’s why I feel like it’s so important for petites to lift weights/ build muscle mass. It increases our TDEE to the point of being able to eat more normal portions and still maintain.
@billclt16 Activity helps so much. I don't lift but get 14k-28k steps in each day (mix of chores, yardwork, hiking, DDR, and slow jogs) and I've been losing weight at 2,000 calories. I'm looking into joining a gym so I can add in some resistance training as well.
@keamy Ok but can you walk me through how you just easily get 28k steps on a normal day? Because that sounds insane and not entirely believable?? The only time I’ve managed 25k steps in a day was when I visited Paris and NYC and we literally walked miles and miles through the city every single day, like walking for multiple hours. I’m an ER nurse and I work 12 hr shifts where I’m constantly on my feet and on my busiest days I log 14k steps. How in the world are you averaging 20k steps every single day?!? My mind is blown.
@rainflower I think the biggest thing is I have an inability to sit still for more than 20 minutes. If I have time to sit I have time to whittle down my to-do list or at least that's what I tell myself.

My average for a day spent working at home with no hobby activity included (but chores like dishes and laundry included) is probably about 12k. Lots of walking back and forth as well as up and down stairs as my work space is on the second level of a weird converted garage in my back yard. Then typically I have one walk a day where I'm running some sort of errand (most often to grocery stores or the post office) this typically adds 5k or so, then a short lap around the block every night at sunset I think that adds about 2k+ depending on the route I take with my BF.

Then if I feel like playing DDR I think that gets about 200-250 steps for an easy song that lasts like just under 2 minutes harder songs can have double or triple the amount. So I probably get anywhere from 3k to 8k just from a half hour or so of DDR which I do most days (as a hobby for fun so some days I do even more). I also do very slow runs 2-3 days a week right now (8k steps-ish extra on those days) but for a while I would have 3 more serious run days then slow easy runs on nearly every other day just to the point of hitting 22 minutes of zone 2 heart rate for some active recovery.

It's difficult for me to try and study just sitting there so I'll often be pacing around while doing anki flashcard reviews. This probably adds on at least 1k steps but maybe more for doing 30 minutes of reviews a day.

Oh and I have a small vegetable garden and the property management company I rent through is pretty vocal about me needing to keep the front yard nice looking so I typically do 1/2-1 hours of yardwork and gardening a day. No idea how many steps that adds probably another 1k at least.

Most Saturdays I walk to a farmers market in the morning, this I think is 5-6k. Sometimes I sleep in too much though and miss it.

I think that covers most of it. 1-2 days a month I will drive to the nearest coastal town and hike some trails and run around on the beach but those are more of special out of the ordinary days for me.

It's hard to know how much my fidgeting adds on. Since the less actual steps I take the more nervous fidgety energy I end up having. The day after I got a neck injury in a martial arts class I still got around 6k or 8k steps in though I was trying to rest and recuperate that day. Even when I'm sick and camped out on the couch all day I still somehow get in about 4k steps just from restless fidgeting and what not.

I joke with my boyfriend I can outwalk anyone because it seems I just don't ever feel tired from it and any soreness I get is very easy to push through.

I would have to try and find the legacy badges in FitBit but I think my highest day was close to or was 50k. This was when I was living in San Francisco and felt like playing tourist for the day. Walked halfway around the perimeter or so of the city hitting up several landmarks before heading to Golden gate park then the academy of science.

The downside to all this is I've been told I'm stressful to vacation with and it feels like a marathon to try and keep up with me. I also burn through shoes like crazy I keep 3 pairs of running shoes in rotation and feel like every other month one pair is completely worn down in parts of the sole or has some irreparable seam rips and needs to be replaced.

I guess a TL;DR would be that I'm on my feet while I work, my hobbies all resemble walking, and my study time involves walking.
@billclt16 That's true, but the part I struggle with is getting enough protein to actually build the muscle. I have to pack sooo much protein in each meal/snack that it's just not worth it to consume anything at all that's not high protein.. and that makes me so sad because I love carbs lol
@raptur3ready I track my cals and macros, and my bf and I spend every second of the weekend together lol. I maintain around 1900-2000 kcal :) and usually eat a bit more than he does on the days he doesn’t work/isn’t active
@johnjs37 I’ve gained about 30lbs in every relationship I’ve been in. Then lose it again when single because I’m no longer eating like a 6 foot man 💀