Frustrated about body size and TDEE

@dawn16 Dating someone who’s 6’3 and it was fine when I was triathlon training, I could eat so much more than him, but I’m injured right now and so my plate has become 80% vegetables then the meat we eat 😭
@dawn16 Sadly the fastest way for me to lose weight is having bad breakups because I lose my appetite and throw myself into exercise... which doesn't happen now that I'm married.
@johnjs37 Oh yeah I was telling a guy friend about it and he’s like it’s all balanced because your body is smaller so it doesn’t need as much and I was like yeah but portions sizes aren’t balanced for us, we actively have to train our brains or go against what we’re used to to counter that
@honra75 isn’t it also true that it takes like 15 mins or something for our bodies to feel full after eating? whatever the number is, i feel like that’s enough time for an average height person to finish a typical portion sized meal and not over-eat while waiting to feel full. but like you said we have to mentally train ourselves to not finish the same amount of food
@mariettedavina Yes! I learned I can't really participate in budgeting subs or frugal eating subs, because my grocery bill despite being HCOL just doesn't reflect reality.

People think I'm lying when I say I spend $250 a month on fresh fruit/veg, meat and seafood, plus protein bars and shakes. I live in a suburb of NYC
@waldowang999 Yup! I ordered and choose what to eat accordingly as well. Like pasta reheats nicely so that's good or I'll get baked potato with a steak instead of French fries bc it reheats better lol. Then just steal a couple fries from my kids or husband to satisfy the flavor craving.
@johnjs37 I’m the shortest person in my family by a really wide margin. I got grandma’s height genes and she’s long gone. So my family acts like I’m relapsing back into disordered eating when I eat appropriately portioned meals for my size. And god forbid I ever let on the fact that I’m (always) still hungry, they practically force feed me. My BMI is 25 for the record, I definitely don’t look like I’m starving myself.

Maybe I wouldn’t have struggled with an ED in the first place if I could eat like they do without consequence…