GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

@johannammmm Hahahah it was definitely in r/fitness. And when I mean mostly men, it was all men. Feel free to share your numbers anyway! :)

As a girl lifter I felt like my personal progress was slow especially when seeing how fast guys progress. Which is natural I suppose, considering they start with way more lean muscle.
@andy1993 Oh Im a woman but I don't have any impressive power lifting numbers! I just read the post and thought it was funny because I've experienced that too when asking for other womens opinions lol
@dminrev Oh yeah I figured it was fitness which is all-gender but mostly men tend to give advice there even if you want a womans advice.. thats why I come here mostly now too
@andy1993 Started 6 months ago after falling off the fitness wagon for a couple years due to an injury. Started doing StrongLifts 5x5 and eating about ~2100 calories a day with 45% carb/20% protein/35% fat (though I think I’m about ready to start cutting down a bit).

May to Jul 2018:

Start: 5’8”, 34yo, 165lb, 29% body fat

Squat: 55lb —> 110lb (100% increase)

Bench: 45lb —> 70lb (55% inc)

Deadlift: 75lb —> 125lb (66% inc)

July to Nov 2018:

Squat: 110lb —> 175lb (59% inc, 218% overall)

Bench: 70lb —> 102.5lb (46% inc, 127% overall)

Deadlift: 125lb —> 240lb (92% inc, 220% overall)

Present: 5’8”, 35yo, 168lb, 22% body fat

Get it, girls!!

*edit: I just realized these are all doing 5 reps. I don’t know my 1RM because I’m still increasing every workout.
@andy1993 5’4” and around 115-120 lbs. Lifted to supplement competitive swimming for two years prior to shifting focus to more serious regiments (stronglifts) last year

Squat: 95 (1x5)
Deadlift: 65 (random, uncoordinated sets idk)
Bench: 45

Don’t remember 3 months

6 months—
Squat: 120 (5x5)
Deadlift: 135 (1x5)
Bench: 80

1 year (kind of, after a two month break in the summer:( )—
Squat: 135 (5x5)
Deadlift: 165 (1x5)
Bench: stopped benching because my chest is already so broad from swimming lmao

Hard not to kick myself because I feel like my numbers are low for the amount of work I put into it, but always remind myself that even if my PR is someone else’s warmup, there’s someone who’s PR is MY warmup. Gotta keep grinding
@andy1993 5’1” / 105lbs

I started approx 3 years ago, and weighed about 95-98lbs then.

Lifts were roughly:
65# squat
85# deadlift
35# bench

185# squat
185# deadlift
105# bench
Squat snatch: 100#
Squat clean: 145#

I have great mobility and am quite flexible so I have a hard time engaging my hamstrings, which is why DL is disproportionate to my Squat, and definitely what I’m working on building.

As for bench - I just don’t bench very often. So my focus hasn’t been on that too much.
have great mobility and am quite flexible so I have a hard time engaging my hamstrings, which is why DL is disproportionate to my Squat, and definitely what I’m working on building.

I think I might be having the same problem. My DL and squats are within ~5# of each other and I've never been able to figure out why.

Do you have any good articles/videos you can recommend on the subject? And would you mind sharing what you are doing to engage your hamstrings?
@dawn16 A few movements include sumo deadlifts, stiff legged deadlifts, weighted good mornings, GHD sit-ups and back extensions, split squats, and single legged Romanian deadlifts with a kettlebell (dumbbell can substitute).

My coach has shared some videos with me on each of the exercises, but I can’t say I’ve been diligent enough to actually research more on the matter. I’ll see if I can find the links for the videos and I’ll send them your way.
@andy1993 I'm 5' 3" and am in the process of losing weight. Currently weigh 174lbs - wanting to lose about 50 more lbs. I've been at it for about 3 months now. I focus mainly on squat, deadlift and leg press as my "main" full body movements.

Bench: 45lbs to 85lbs
Squat: 65lbs to 145lbs
Deadlift: 65lbs to 155lbs
Leg press: 90lbs to 360lbs
@andy1993 I've only been lifting for just under 1.5 years, but I love this question! Hope it's okay to answer. I don't really test 1 RMs so I've just been looking through my old lifting notes and noting what my best sets were around that time. It's been fun to think about how far I've come :)

I am 5'5". My weight has gone up for some of the time reflected here (unintentionally "bulked" for much of this year). Right now I'm sitting around 160 lbs. When I started I was around 145-150 lbs. I'm working on cutting my weight back down to around 150 now that I've seemed to have put on some more muscle.

3 months:

- Squat: 160 lbs (4 reps)

- Deadlift: 165 lbs (5 reps)

- Bench: 120 lbs (3 reps)

1 year:

- Squat: 170 lbs (4 reps)

- Deadlift: 230 lbs (2 reps)

- Bench: 145 lbs (2 reps)

Current lifts (a little under 1.5 years):

- Squat: 205 lbs (3 reps)

- Deadlift: 240 lbs (2 reps)

- Bench: 155 lbs (1 rep)
@andy1993 5’7” and I fluctuate between 160 and 180lbs

I started CrossFit in May 2015. I’d have to dig up my old notebook to see monthly progress but my numbers have increased as follows (with more serious dedication to heavy lifting in the past year vs just going to class). Today, my numbers are:

Bench - 90lb to 150lbs
Back Squat - 125lbs to 253lbs
Deadlift - 150lbs to 313lbs

Next year I’m hoping to hit 175 bench, 300 back squat and 350-375 deadlift but we’ll see how my muscles cooperate :) I’m also hoping to compete in my first powerlifting meet!
@andy1993 5’4” and around 170-175 lbs. I’m only three months into focusing on powerlifting, but lifted more generally prior.

Squat: 105 -> 150 lbs (3x5)

Bench: 70 -> 90 lbs. (3x5)

Deadlift: 155 -> 190 (1x5)

ETA: Even though I was lifting before, I’m definitely still on the linear progression train, which is cool to see and means that my lifts tend to go up about 5 lbs per week. Bench is definitely my weakest lift and the only one where I’ve ever failed a rep. I think deadlift is probably my strongest; even though I consider my hamstrings proportionally weak, I did a ton of work on the other posterior chain muscles for several years before I started deadlifting with any seriousness.
@andy1993 Height 5'4" starting weight 165ish started squat with 65lbs, bench with just bar (45lbs) deadlift 65lb sets of 5

3 months I don't remember what they were 3 months in.. sorry

6 months in. Squat 155ish body weight was down to around to around 155 bench was maybe 85 I can't exactly remember and deadlift around 175-180 all for sets of 5

A year in, down to around 150 lbs bw
Squat 195x5 bench 115x5 deadlift 225x5

I am not 2 years in yet. But will be in a month. Current stats are squat 250x4 bench 140x4 or 155x1 deadlift 335x1 .
I am down to 140lbs bodyweight.

I am currently about to do my second powerlifting meet with usapl so those number will be higher soon I hope. Lol.
@jerah1 My stats are similar to yours in your first year out! I’m currently at a year + 3 months, and I’m stalling at times and it can get disheartening. I hope the progression will still go up and up, even if slower. Your progression gives me hope!
@jerah1 How did you get your squat from 155 to 195 over 6 months? Did you experience any plateaus during this period or was it pretty linear progression? What was the programming? Sorry I'm just so jealous because I always plateau at BW squat (120) and it makes me want to cry.
@dawn16 I started with strong lifts and did that for the first year it was pretty consistently 5lbs a week on my squat until I got to 195 and then I stalled and switched to a intermediate program. I usually only stalled for one or two sessions sometimes I would do like one set at say 175 and the rest at 170 next session 2 or 3 at 175 the rest at 170 next session all set at 175 ext. I squatted 3x a week and made sure to sleep and eat my protien.