Grow them Glutes


New member
I've been bodybuilding, strength training, powerlifting for around 15 years now and my freakin' Glutes will not grow..... Contrary to popular believe, leg day is my favorite day. But no matter how much focus, weight, exercises, rep-weight-set combos, my butt is almost concave...

My question to the other people who have/do suffer like me with chronic concave butt syndrome is, besides the typical exercises w/glute focus (i.e. squats, hip thrust, deads) what has helped you get that big 'ol booty
Came here to say I never had any decent glute gains until I added BSSs into my regular routine, then got some considerable size after a couple months of them
@dawn16 Thanks for the tip! How do you personally incorporate these in your workout? I've completed a couple programs where BSSs were on every leg day and every other leg day. But I have never put BSSs as the 1st exercise
@hkmhuik I’ve done it a bunch of different ways, always gets my glutes and quads sore. My favorite is with an SSB bar, so you don’t have to hold the bar and can use my hands against rack to balance. This allows me to use more weight with good form as I’m not limited by balance, but I know not everyone has access to a SSB.
@dawn16 Another vote for Bulgarian split squats. I have suffered with the same issue as OP, but over the past five months I have been doing heavy split squats once a week (and also added a lot more RDLs to my programming, FWIW- traditional, banded, single-leg B-stance, glute-biased, etc). My Bulgarian split squat DAY is primarily dedicated to just those brutally awful exercises. I have to rest between legs, but after each heavy set (50 lb. DBs), I superset with at least 15 reps of a much lighter weight (8 lb. DBs). So painful! BUT I have definitely seen discernible growth, so much so that I will probably be adding another day of them each week after this meso. This is your ticket! Take your medicine! 😁
@hkmhuik I’ve got the exact opposite problem lol. The only exercises I do that involve the flutes are squats and deadlifts and I do my best to try to minimize their involvement so my flutes don’t keep growing.