@ering Stats: Male 6"0' 165lbs

Goal: To comfortably hold a freestanding handstand for 15 seconds for now, but I eventually want to be able to do a Handstand Push-up.

Current Progression: I am able to hold a handstand for a couple of seconds free standing but would like to go back to back to wall just to get the hang of it again.
@ering Hey,

really nice writeup and good selection of links/videos. I'd add two things to the "What to do" list:
  • Train fresh and stop once you are fatigued (cause HS is mostly skill work). If you combine HS training with a strength workout do HS first thing after the warmup.
  • Try to train frequently for short bouts. 20min 3-6x per week is (way) better than 1-2h once a week.
Stats: M, 42, 178cm (5'10"), ~80kg (176lbs).

Goal: Rehab right wrist to get back to regular training :-/. Nominally pike press by the end of the year, though that's becoming increasingly unlikely, with a forced break from training, and a strength-cycle coming up (weighted squats be hard on pike-flexibility).

Current Progression: ~1min freestanding as max, 40sec easily w. form-changes, straddle-press @ 1RM, all before the break. Currently starting to slowly increase HS work again, float from close in chest to wall, keep chest within a couple mm of the wall without touching for 30sec; 4-6 bouts, 3x per week --> work on alignment and fine balance control.


@justm811 Thank you:)

Great points, I'll add them into one of the upcoming posts as well.

Best wishes with your recovery. I'm excited to follow your progress.

Cheers xxx
@ering Awesome!

Here's my check-in:

STATS: Male, 171cm, 61kg, 19yrs

GOAL: Get my ribs down, as that is the only thing really limiting my line at the moment and then maybe finally I'll have a straight line! Also build up volume on wall slide tucks to 5x5 with good form. Maybe also work towards a 60s handstand once my line is acceptable, but this one is predicated on me being happy with my line first

CURRENT PROGRESSION: Kicking up very consistently, only takes one attempt to kick up get into a solid hold 90% of the time. 20-30s holds are very easy. Just really want to improve my line. Current progressions are:

Lots of wrist warmup, CTW holds, CTW tuck slides, heel pulls, toe pulls, kick up practice (no hold), and freestanding handstands.

Here is my starting point for the challenge:

Line from side:
Front facing sub-maximal 20s hold:
@ering STATS
33 yo Male 188cm 81kg (I know it’s metrics :O))

Regular 10 second freestanding handstand

50s against wall
3-4 second unconsistant freestanding

Since i’m currently recovering from wrist pain I don’t want to stress them by pushing long times so I figure I’ll work on my freestanding along side my rehab. I kick up agains a wall to avoid falling forward and hurting my wrist.

I’ve been trying to get a handstand for 2 years, It’s about time I took it more serious and put in some consistent work :)
@ering Handstand is one of those things that i have always meant to work on, but never really focused on. I guess it's time to change that.

I will edit later with stats/pics


stats: 23 year old male, 6'0" ~170 lbs.

Goals: any free standing handstand would be nice. Mostly i just hope to be more comfortable on my hands and get closer to handstand pushups.

Current progress: i just tried and was able to do 45 seconds chest to wall with my hands a few inches away from the wall. Based on previous experience i have no doubt that i can bring that up to a minute easily within a week.
@ering This is perfect for me. I've been wanting to get my handstand down for a long time now, but I have never had the will to fully dedicate myself to the skill.

STATS: Male, 20, 5'10, 140 pounds.

GOAL: I want to be able to do a freestanding handstand for 10 seconds, without using a wall to kick up against.

CURRENT PROGRESSION: I can do a back to wall handstand easilly for 60 seconds. My kick up is what needs the most work.


The video is from a few weeks ago, but I haven't made any more progress since then. The time has come to change that. :)
@pokiespaws try training on a hard surface. Like a rubber gym floor. learn to fall properly so if you tumble end over end you can recover without injury.

at this point use all the strength in your fingertips to correct movement and prevent yourself from falling over. you will become more comfortable trying to correct your imbalances.

This way you can see how much your fingers can actually correct your tipping body before you have to bail
@ering I've been working on my handstand a lot as of late so this is kind of cool to have other people share their journey too. More motivation to get it down now!

Stats: Male, 5'9, 145lbs

Goal: Be able to consistently hold freehand for 10 seconds without walking.

Bonus Goal: Be able to alternate touching opposite elbow while holding handstand.

Current Progresssion: Able to do a freehand handstand up to 10 seconds with some re-positioning from walking.