Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?

@royblizzard Believe it or not. I don’t think you doing CrossFit has anything to do with it.
Guys are just intimidated period. So be more proactive and ask that cute guy out for a protein shake or what not. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I coach and see it more often now. Guys are trying to keep your space safe so they won’t approach. We want you to
@royblizzard Single male around the same age, military and first responder, I get the same thing. I think overall dating in general has gone downhill for everyone no matter the background. To many are looking for that perfect person who makes three figures and drives top of the line car. To much is desired of outside things instead of looking on the inside.
@royblizzard I’m 43F and only been doing CrossFit a year and a half. I’m not getting asked out just as much as before I started CrossFit but at least I feel happier and more confident in cute clothes. If a guy is turned off by a fit woman that sounds like a problem on his end and not worth pursuing anyway.
@royblizzard I have noticed that most straight women who do CrossFit date men who also do CrossFit. My boyfriend and I are almost an anomaly because he's confident enough in his own masculinity and just attracted to strong women lol

Your guy is out there I promise!
@royblizzard I'm a 36/M who does CrossFit. I would 100% date you!

I think strong women are the most attractive! Plus all the good qualities that come along with dedication to eating right and putting the work in.
@royblizzard Those simply aren't your men.

My fiance loves my CF body (trap queen) and prior to being with me had no idea what crossfit was. Many other guys were "scared off". Good riddance, it's not worth spending time around those who don't appreciate it or find it intimidating.
@royblizzard Wow you are an inspiration. I think it’s a common problem when you are an active person in general as most people would rather sit on the couch and eat pizza. I also do CrossFit but iam not at your level; and I do think I have dated a guy on the same level of for fitness and iam at . It caused a lot of problems even going for a walk with this person was a challenge never mind the sex😀😀. So I agree stick with people in fitness
@royblizzard I don't think this is a hot take and I don't think it just applies to dating for women. I think dating can be difficult for a dedicated CrossFitter a lot of the time. Doing CrossFit / staying in shape makes you relatively uncommon. It's difficult to connect with other people when fitness makes up such a significant part of your life and doesn't make up any of theirs. People have a tendency to date within their box for a lot of reasons, and this is one of them. I was training multiple hours a day to compete and I dating people who had never worked out before and it was a recipe for conflict. I think all the other reasons you point to are additional layers on top of an already difficult situation.
@royblizzard Happily married to someone I met at a CrossFit gym, but honestly if guys can’t handle the muscles then they probably aren’t going to be the guy to support your goals.
@royblizzard I get a lot more male attention- I am fit but tall/lean and my body shaped out nicely with the muscles. I guess I don’t look like a stereotypical crossfitter, people think I do yoga or pilates. I get compliments from both men and women on my physique. I think men do get intimidated because they aren’t as lean and will start backtracking on their level of fitness or start giving excuses as to why they aren’t as fit. I don’t even bring it up but I think it triggers their own insecurities. A lot of men will also bash crossfit to me and lecture me about how dangerous or silly it is- always men who never tried it or look like they could use jt.

But dating is harder for other reasons. I used to date men that did not work out much, but now I cannot. I spend so much of my time working out and living a healthy lifestyle, that I get turned off by men who do not care for their health.
I was talking to my gym owner about this and he laughed in agreement that my dating pool has gotten smaller. I am close in age to you btw, so it’s also that too.

A few guys at the gym are interested in me but I am older than them. I would give a couple a shot but want to feel them out more before deciding to “shit where I eat.”
@royblizzard Maybe their penis inverts because it’s afraid of an exfoliating handjob 😜

I’m joking!

In seriousness, healthy and strong is sexy AF. I’d say it’s where you’re looking for love. If you’re on the apps, it may come down to being super selective and less opportunities. As I’ve seen others say, I’d try dating a guy who does CrossFit. If they’re not approaching you, approach them. Ask if they want to grab a drink/snack after the workout. Or go do something outside on the weekend (I don’t know where you live, so don’t know what options exist).
@royblizzard My wife (F/33; CL2; MAYBE 5’0”, 130#) felt like she had this issue before we met. I was a gym bro and had been that way for a while prior to us meeting. Always had been interested in CrossFit but had never pulled the trigger on it. Anyway; the way that I view this as a man is that you just haven’t found someone that isn’t intimidated by the fact that you take care of your health and all that. Oftentimes you’ll find that in another CrossFit athlete or someone from the veteran community that didn’t let their fitness go as soon as they grabbed their DD214. There is a distinct difference between women that take care of themselves and women that are sauced out and bulky as hell. My wife has a great set of traps in her own right, but she is neither emasculating nor intimidating to me in her physical prowess. I am secure enough in myself to be proud of her for what she has built in the decade she’s done CrossFit.
@royblizzard I’m (40f) 5’10, 230 lbs, big lady - my boyfriend is shorter and slender and not a cross-fitter and he loves my size - he’s very handsome to me too.
@royblizzard So I'm married, do casual crossfit and some standard weight lifting. My husband and I do this together, and he occasionally jokes 'ope lookin pretty manly there, better quit lifting the big weights!' and we laugh and laugh and laugh

And then someone says it to me in real life at the gym (not box) and I don't know how you young women in the dating market do it. Be strong and big and if a man can't handle it then he obviously can't handle you. I'm just.... so irritated that some people in the world think women deserve to only be tiny and delicate.