Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?


New member
About me: 39/f been doing CrossFit for 9 years. About 5’6” and 140.

This is gonna be a hot take for a LOT of reasons but I can’t help but notice the more CrossFit I do (and the more muscular I become), the less successful I’ve been in dating. There could be a lot of other things to this - of course women aren’t as sought after as they grow older. But the moment I mention that I do CrossFit, they look at my forearms and I can hear their penises invert into their abdomens.


Edit: before CrossFit I was more of a cardio bunny that did occasional yoga, so I had a more traditional body type for a woman. Im now deadlifting 260, snatch 140…you get the point…
@beardedchristian I slept with my first coach lol he isn’t married but he got SUPER clingy…needless to say, I now go to a box across town and refuse to talk to anyone attractive before I run out of boxes nearby💀😂
@clarrisa How do you date within your box though?
Asking as a guy.
Because I see a lot of attractive women busy with their workouts and I don’t want to interrupt them, so I don’t talk to any at all.
@matjohluk Then you don't. I don't know I've been out of the game for a while. For me if it was not natural to talk to them about something wod related then nothing happens.
@royblizzard I think it depends on who you are trying to date. I am not single, but as a 35F CrossFitter, these are my 2 cents:
  1. My partner is a person that appreciates discipline and dedication. He doesn’t do (nor likes) CrossFit, but he is excited to hear about my PRs, takes my progress pics and always compliments me on my physique gains.
  2. The place where I get most attention (from men) is actually the CrossFit gym. These are guys with the same passion for the sport who know the hard work that goes into these traps lol and that is attractive to them
So, what I am trying to say, is that you need to look for people that are willing to support or even share your lifestyle, rather than make you insecure about it