Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?

@royblizzard I'm a male who doesn't do crossfit. Just wanted to lend a males perspective, for what its worth.

I've been bodybuilding for years. I'm not massive, but I'm in good shape, and exercise/nutrition is an important part of my life. I feel like there are many baked in assumptions people tend to make about those who prioritize health or sport in general.

I've dated women who didn't understand why I "had" to work out every day and tried to guilt me out of workouts. I never understood that considering they only take an hour or so, and never get in the way of plans. I'm not sure if it comes from a place of insecurity, but it can be a deal-breaker nonetheless.

I found it helpful to date women who are also interested in exercise, in one form or another. I mean, who wouldn't want to date someone in shape with longevity in mind?
@timeclockprism Interacting with a person from a group which is already in the same mindset is much easier then someone complete opposite.

"Opposites attract" is an old misnomer and was proven wrong in multiple studies in the last 5 years.

And it gets less true the older you get. You want to choose your dates from a pool which similar to your interests.
@timnollan I believe in regards to personality many times opposites attract. But as far as interest and hobbies, it definitely helps to share the same on at least some of those.
@oneman It really depends on your goals for dating.

Just quick hookup and a few great hours? Sure opposites are very attractive.

You want a mate for long term? Yeah probably don't want to argue about every single topic.

Many papers suggest for a long term stable relationship you should have more similar personality traits then you are different - but different enough that it's not getting boring.
@timnollan When I say personality, I’m referring to introvert/extrovert, risk taker/safe - things like that and generally most couples are one of each. But for interests, political beliefs, faith, approach to money - it’s always best if the couple is on the same page and I would dare say if they’re not it’s hard to make it work.
@royblizzard I think maybe you just aren’t meeting the right people. You’ll find one that will treat you with respect. Muscles look good on anyone. Keep working hard the rest will work itself out
@royblizzard I think it just boils down to personal preferences. There's someone out there for everyone, and maybe you just haven't met that someone yet. I wouldn't change anything about yourself in spite of that.
@royblizzard Given that you are into CF and ex mil, I would think CF gyms might be a good community to look for a partner with.

My experience is that the portion of military/ex mil in my friends CF boxes isn't a significant majority but at least there are more.

I know I have buddies who complain about CF gals being too mannish but they are also types who are overweight AF and probably couldn't do a pullup or belt out 25 pushups (much less 10) if their life depended on it.

They might be able to move stuff but none of them have probably touched a barbell since High School, if ever. They also tap out early on moving day bc ma back.

It wouldn't surprise me if gals doing CF have a harder time dating gen pop dudes who don't lift.

And it's not like your numbers are regional level. Solid local numbers that RX in the box.