How do made good granola bars have such a high rda of nutrients when compared to another brand like kashi?


New member
For context, a 24gram bar has 20%rda of Vitamin A,C,E,B6, Thiamine etc. In contrast, Kashi was no way near. Especially the one I had eaten. I checked the ingredients for made good and all of them were mostly whole foods and no supplements. This left me a bit confused as to how it had such a good concentration of nutrients. Is it accurate?
@mwoolstrum The Made Good bars contain vegetable extracts/powders.

Also, Kashi bars do contain vitamin E, based on one label I found while searching. But the label does not list the vitamin C or B6 content, so they may contain levels of those also, it's just not listed. It seems Kashi bars are discontinued so I can't find a ton of info on them though.
@mwoolstrum MadeGood granola bars might pack a punch in the nutrient department because they choose wholesome ingredients like fruits, nuts, and seeds, which naturally offer lots of vitamins and minerals. They might also add extra nutrients to beef up their bars' nutritional value.

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