I want to strict press 32kg

@hcwewvcw02 When the shoulders get tired, your lats act as backup if only to stabilize the lift (i.e. you don't do the wobble-wobble), especially on the way down.
@hcwewvcw02 I did a jump from 24kg to 32kg and that was HARD. I had to use a bunch of tricks like high rep pressing the 24, banded presses, jerking and push pressing the 32 before trying the strict press.

You're probably going to need at least one intermediate bell.
@hcwewvcw02 Push press or if needed jerks to get the weight above you and then negatives as slow as you can, with pauses while going down.

Or try to make it harder to push the 20kg. Really slow, both going up and down. As strict as possible. Could you hold another dumbbell or rubber band attached to your feet to increase the resistance maybe?
@hcwewvcw02 I'd only jump up 8kg in bells and atleast be able to do over 10 reps strict with the 20, you're best off just using the 32 but doing push presses and using momentum until you can strict press it clean
@hcwewvcw02 Since you can already push-press the 32kg, I reckon you can do other exercises with the 32 (that isn't strict press) to help build the shoulders. More push-pressing and other overhead work like turkish getups with help build shoulder stability over a long period.
@hcwewvcw02 I went from not being able to do a single press with 32 to doing 5 in a row only training with my 24. I used GTG every second day for like 2 weeks. (I was already almost there pressing the 32 before but I could never push myself over the edge before trying GTG.) It is a lot of volume though and it was really hard on my joints so I don’t necessarily recommend it for everyone.
@hcwewvcw02 It is doable! I assume you can strict press The 20 for 10+ reps both sides

The key is the Bottom up

Tgu with the 20 and when you are confidente do the descending part Bottom up
Then also the ascending when you feel confidentent

Bottom up presses from 5x1 to 5x5
Then Bottom up half kneeling same reps
Then kneeling Bottom up
Then z press

The volume is low press 3 days a week plus swings after the session with the the 32 two hands and 20 one hand

Plus play with the 32 as much as possibile
Double hand swings
Single hand swings
Loaded carries

When the 32 feels confidente in the rack push press it and fight the negative

The target is ti do 3x3 conttolled negative (or eccentric)

Enjoy the ride you have enough practice for months depending on age, recovery, sleep ecc
@hcwewvcw02 I’ve gone from pressing 24kg (usually doubles) to push pressing /jerk 32kg.

You will be able to get there through a high volume of strict press at 20kg and consistent training. Have a heavy day once a week or every other week where you push press the 32kg, your body will quickly adjust to having that weight overhead. Bring it down as slowly as possible.
@hcwewvcw02 That's quite a jump if I'm honest. Shoulder press especially. I went up in increments of 4kg. I still use the lighter ones to warm up to it. 12 kg jump my shoulders would feel it