I was promised endorphins

@romans5to8 If you want an endorphin rush, do a lot of running. 3-5 miles starting out will get you a runner’s high. I used to get them a lot when I would run 5 miles a day in high school.
@romans5to8 I also have never had endorphins from running or working out. Idk why or what’s wrong with me. :( I’ve been working out consistently every week since 2019
@wotnot I've found time of day matters for me. morning workouts leave me energized and happy and just content most of the day. evening workouts do nothing.
@romans5to8 I only get endorphins from cardio.

Don’t get me wrong, it still enjoy weightlifting, but that’s because it’s like meditation for me. It’s also the only time of the day nobody wants anything from me.

But yea, if I’m chasing endorphins, I do cardio.
@blandaw Hard agree. Weightlifting keeps me sane, feeling the bump and the push afterwards. But cardio, specifically indoor cycling gives me the goodies
@romans5to8 Maybe you’d prefer more of a circuit-based lifting routine. I find cardio to be the thing that gives the rush, so that could help. You could also scale back on the lifting and add in a running plan. I really like the 5K Runner app.
@romans5to8 I can say for certain once I stop working out regularly I notice the mental benefits but never while I’m in a solid routine. I had abdominal surgery over the summer and wasn’t allowed to do anything but light slow walks for 8 weeks and I’ve never been in a deeper depression in my life. After decades of regularly working out that was the first time I realized how much it helps me mentally.
@criminallawyer03 Same here. I've never felt endorphines from working out, I have no idea what's that even supposed to be like, but once I stop working out regularly I fall HARD. Working out definitely improves my baseline, but I don't notice it on a daily basis until it's no longer there :D
@aurora8907 5’2”, 195lb I go to the gym 3x a week and do 30 min of full body strength training (progressive overload) and 15 minutes of cardio. Lately the cardio has been run/walk intervals.
@romans5to8 yeah that’s really not a ton of working out to be as exhausted as you say you are. my first guess is that you’re not eating enough. you didn’t say how much you typically eat in a day, but i plugged your stats into a TDEE calculator and it says your maintenance is somewhere between 2100-2300 calories a day. if you aren’t already, start tracking all of your calories to see where you’re at now, and move closer to that range if you’re below it. you also just might need more sleep to recover than you’re used to

if that doesn’t work, i would definitely suggest seeing a doctor
@romans5to8 My lifting routine always seems to be closer to an hour but on lifting days I literally cannot keep my eyes open in the evenings. I normally sleep around 7/8 hours but my body requires more for recovery.