"If you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you're either a) too fat; b) too weak; or c) doing something wrong in your workouts." How true is this?


New member
Ok. So I've decided to work on my core after the post about deep abs. I timed myself and found out I can hold 60-70 seconds of plank. However, idk if I was doing the proper form so I checked Calisthenic Movement's 2-minute plank tutorial. It seems my form is a bit wrong.

Did it again with the form according to the tutorial and I can still hold it for the same time.

Statement is from here: https://www.active.com/fitness/articles/how-long-should-you-hold-your-plank
@zondaar39 You have to remember, strength and endurance are specific to the exercise.

This is for neurological reasons. If I practice bench pressing for multiple years then i'm going to get really good at bench pressing, but it doesn't mean that I have the neuromuscular skill required to planche.

Same thing with endurance, if I do GTG for pull ups and work up to 20 pull ups that doesn't mean that I could do 20 rows with an equivalent weight.

So whenever someone says "If you cant do for then you're weak!' there's bullshit afoot.

There's people who can do double bodyweight weighted chins, but cant do a OAC.

There's people who can bench press 2.5x bodyweight but can't do a planche.

There's people who can do 20 straight hanging leg raises but probably can't plank for 2 minutes.
@sng092 Ok. Is it a sin to not know GTG and OAC?

There's people who can do double bodyweight weighted chins, but cant do a OAC.

There's people who can bench press 2.5x bodyweight but can't do a planche.

There's people who can do 20 straight hanging leg raises but probably can't plank for 2 minutes.

Good point! Thanks for the insight. The body is truly beautiful. We can all have our different perfect moves. So it's a matter of mastering some moves then?
@zondaar39 Pretty much.

Just because you have a lot of practice at hanging leg raises doesn't mean you have a lot of practice at planking.

Granted, they are both ab flexion exercises, but they are still different movements.

Also GTG means Grease the Groove and OAC means One Arm Chin-up
@sng092 kind if unrelated but What’s the difference between planking for 5 mins and planking for 2.5 mins 2 times, which one is better for abs
@evgenij Depends upon how many quality sets of each.

If you plank for 5 minutes, but it then diminishes the subsequent sets to let's say 4 and 3 minutes then doing less (2.5) but for more sets is better.

But if you can do 5 for 3 sets. Go for it.

But for visible abs I'd do a movement that isnt isometric.
@sng092 That is hard to believe that someone who can chin up with that much extra weight cannot do the OAC. I have read things which lol we all know not everything on the internet is true.. But couldn't you get the OAC for free by doing really heavy weighted pull ups, or is it just simply you have to practice the movement to get better at? Such as if i do a lot of weighted push ups that doesn't mean I will just get the oap for free correct?
@sng092 Ummm no dude. Strength is strength, believe it or not. For anyone with real core strength, a 2 minute plank is a joke.

There's people who can do double bodyweight weighted chins, but cant do a OAC.

Like who? Lol

You are over exaggerating the skill component of every movement. If I work up to doing dragon flags, a plank will be a joke to me. Or if I get real strong at dips, my push ups will strengthen as well. You don’t need to train something to actually get good at it. Get any experienced athlete to do a plank and they should hit 2 minutes very easily.

That said a 2 minute plank is something arbitrary with not much value behind it.
@dawn16 Lol everytime you make a post it's always an attack. Like you're crazy aggressive with everything you comment and it makes you come across really harsh.