Is it true that if you are overweight you shouldn’t run?

@newcityn8 Tbh im not overweight and i can’t run because of asthma and i feel like death but you should probably take it easy and if you’re hurting in your joints and stuff, don’t push yourself too hard that you get hurt
@newcityn8 Walking is a better less damaging way to exercise. You do have to walk more to burn as many calories. It is a more sustainable practice especially being overweight. I walk at least 3 miles a day and am down 170 pounds in a year and 3 months. So you would really serve yourself better to walk 2 miles starting out as to running a half mile and then having to psych yourself back up to go again another day. Just my thoughts on it.
@newcityn8 You can get hurt doing anything. I was 5'6" and 220lbs when I started running 5-7 times per week at Orange Theory Fitness. Did I get hurt? Yes, but it was not due to my weight it was from bad run form because I didn't know how to run properly. It was also not permanent damage and has been corrected.

If you want to run, and you know how to run with proper form, go for it.
@newcityn8 Hi! I am the same height and weight as you. I’m a 21 year old female. I had sooo many people tell me I shouldn’t start off my fitness journey with running. I tried a bunch of different things, but running is what stuck with me and worked for me. I cannot recommend the None to Run app more!! I’m on week 6 of the program, have had no injuries or discomfort, not even shin splints, and I’m down 5 pounds. Plus I LOVE it. It’s run walk intervals, so it’s good for my beginner level but still challenging and I feel so accomplished afterwards. I believe they have a 1 week free trial and then it’s $30 for the whole year. For me it was totally worth the money.
@newcityn8 I started running on the elliptical at 280 to get my running form down, I’m still in the elliptical but I’m still running. only “injury” I had was an overused tendon in my foot … I didn’t run for 2-3 days and (2 months later at 4 miles per day) I haven’t had a problem since. This is coming from a girl that’s had 3 knee surgeries. Elliptical is low impact start there if you’re scared of injury.
@newcityn8 I worked with a physical therapist who is also a running coach. I had a hip labral repair done and they got me back to running with no pain. For the first 6 weeks with the coach, all I did was walk. Lots of fast walking. After that I ran twice a week and walked once a week. I don't think I ran 3 days a week until our second training cycle. Even in my second cycle, one day was intervals and the other two were various time/distance days at a pace I could maintain a conversation. Lots of "easy" running that made a huge impact on my return to running.
@newcityn8 first build up an endurance to walk for 30 mins. then you can introduce a minute of running every 15 mins, then reduce it down.. only jog.. when u walk, try completing the last 50 steps by low intensity jog
@newcityn8 My sister is a Physical therapist and basically told me the cardiovascular benefits outweigh the damage it’ll do to your knees. It’s easier to replace a knee than a heart.
@newcityn8 I'm 280 6'5 I did couch to 5k and then started swimming. Now I do both and threw in day or two of hiking elevation. It's painful and sucks but get through first few months and prioritize stretching daily over everything else and listen to your body. It will come together for you. But stretch and stretch again like hour stretch every day before bed is amazing
@newcityn8 It will make them hurt but not necessarily ruin them, if your that worried you could try swimming, its great for people who want to do cardio that suffer from pain with running.
@newcityn8 Not to divert but I was 5’11” and 215lbs when I was in my best shape. I don’t think anyone would have considered me overweight. Ran a half marathon, a 7mile average on a few 5ks and could bench 200lbs. I had no knee problems. Shoes are important though so don’t hold on to the same pair for years. I looked thin andd had a decent shaped physic, but not cut. You’re probably going to be just fine running but I wouldn’t go hard in the paint. Ease your way in. It’s okay to walk and do run intervals. Don’t shock yourself into injury. Do what feels comfy but try to always break even with your last attempt and hopefully slightly improve. Eventually you’ll hit a consistent mile jog. A 12 min consistently mile is better than none. Stepping stones are key. Fitness and improved times come with patience. I hope that helps.
@newcityn8 Will it hurt your knees? It depends. Have you had ankle or pelvic injuries? They can impact the knees. Lots to consider, not just your weight. What is your goal? How far do you walk? You can combine a walk and run technique and gradually increase the running time.

I’m 64 and my knees don’t hurt when I run. They sometimes hurt in the past, due to ankle and pelvic injuries. Running told me what body work I needed. I corrected the underlying imbalances and I don’t have problems pop up. While I was sorting this out, I had my knee scanned. Not much wear in it. I attribute that to not playing contact sports and wearing orthotics for the last 35 years.

You have to understand that you need the right shoes and ease into it.