Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery


New member
Sorry for being way off topic from the usual here, but I feel a prominent member of the strength training community, a person who works with woman and youth very often, has crossed a line.

Here is Mark Rippetoe clearly stating that a woman reporter should be turned into a sex slave:

His words on his personal forum.

More from his forum here including Rippetoe comparing himself to a Jew in Nazi Germany for not being vaccinated, a favourable review of Mein Kampf, and someone saying gays are vindictive (??):
He has been like this for YEARS but it gets handwaved away as "he's from texas" or "that's his personality, he's done a lot of good for the strength training community" - so basically, locker room talk.

Does it matter that Mark Rippetoe feels a woman he doesn't like should be a sex slave? Should we as consumers simply boycott his material - is that enough?

Or am I overthinking this?

EDIT: apologies to the good people of Texas, I didn't mean to lump you in with people like Mark - but thank you so much for speaking up in this thread and in real life!

EDIT2: shoutout to men in the fitness industry who aren't afraid to speak out against people like Mark Rippetoe - Zack Telander @wildmanadventure and Bryce Krawczyk @reasontogether in particular
@meow69 What the fuck??? Man, I've had Starting Strength since I was a kid and recommended it to so many people. Had no idea this dude was such a colossal piece of shit.
@meow69 Those comments are disgusting. It's never okay to say such things. A responsible and respectful adult wouldn't even "joke" about that. Thank you for sharing, you are not overthinking at all. If he openly makes a vile comment like that and thinks it is okay, what else does he think is acceptable that he isn't doing publicly?
@meow69 Thank you so much for this post. I live in this town and a few years back I seriously considered joining his gym. Holy moly what a good thing I didn't and this let's me know to never ever consider it.
@meow69 I ran starting strength long ago and didn't think about Mark for many years until he came up when I was Googling. My partner has a hernia and we wanted to learn about how if at all he should modify his training before his surgery date. When a similar question was asked on the SS forums, Mark had some comment to the general effect of how only beta pussies have to wait months for elective surgery and that if he, Mark Rippetoe, needed elective surgery he would absolutely MAKE the hospital schedule it IMMEDIATELY. Definitely a WTF / "Christ, what an asshole" moment. This latest from him is disappointing but not surprising. Starting Strength has some good points but the community overall needs to leave Mark behind.
@y2pjwk LOL whot?

For more medical advice, check out the COVID thread I linked to - Rippetoe actually prescribes people ivermectin and whatever that other one was that right-wingers were totally sure would cure covid. Vaccines? No way, can't trust those drug companies. But we can sure trust the drug companies that make ivermectin. /s
@meow69 i too bought starting strength as my introduction to strength training. i even follow starting strength on facebook (unfollowing right now). i had alway assumed Rip must be a bit misogynist, but didn't know it was this bad.