Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

@brianhex Don't care how he "meant" it, he's a grown ass man that should know better. I don't care, I reported his Instagram account for encouraging violence. Even though it won't take his account down, I hope it messes with the algorithm. Fucking twat.

Edit: thought this was in a different sub, but my response still stands because I reported him last night when I read this in a different sub.
@tryingnottofall its just alot of insecure guys who use it to show off how much of a man they are while spewing a lot of sexist crap towards women. Plus a touch of politics and conspiracy bullshit to finish it off.
@brianhex I thought he was creepy the first time I saw a video and have ignored him and his books/videos since. Now I KNOW he's creepy and gross.

If this is, indeed, sarcasm, it's 100% tone deaf. These may be comments a personal friend could make to you in person (so you can better judge intent), but no freakin way should it be made in an open, impersonal forum. What an asshat!
@junarklein If it WAS sarcasm, it failed dearly with his added, "I know some women who would agree with this. Which kinda muddies the water."

The later half is giving validation to the OP's comment. There's no defending that, even IF his intention was humor. There's a line you don't cross when it comes to humor/sarcasm and that's giving approval to crazy assfucks like the OP.

One can even say he "muddied the water" with his dumbass reply. That water possibly being his career lol.
@junarklein It's not even creepy.. it's scary! They're talking about beating women into submission. I don't care how sarcastic he is, the average sane individual of either gender would find that commentary disturbing.
@brianhex Never heard of him, but first impression is that he looks like a pissy, tantrum throwing “thin blue line”’ worshipping Boomer with some domestic violence charges who loves giving his hot takes on local news stories on Facebook. Irrelevant old man.
@brianhex This is awful.

I posted this (with the source) in the FB women weightlifting group & the response was:

- But what Mark said is in pink. So, wouldn't someone be upset about the original post more than his response?

- I mean my first thought after reading it was well, that's adorable. I don't literally think it is, but that doesn't necessarily make me just as bad. Plenty of things are open to interpretation and on the internet it's that much harder because there's no way to accurately read someone's intent.

- I need more evidence or explanation than just this...clarity.
