Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

@meow69 Wow he sounds like a prince!!!


I honestly wonder how these people exist in the world believing every conspiracy theory that comes along.

He wishes he could be a vagina because they're strong as hell and he's just a whiny little creep.
@b3nzyme To his credit he gave up on Qanon after getting tired of the next big thing always being right around the corner. However he still believes everything Qanon believes he just doesn't mention Q anymore. So, not much has changed there.
@meow69 I hadn't been paying attention but I'm actually not that surprised that an online community for something that's historically been ~male dominated~ turns out to be such a cesspit. The bar is literally on the fucking floor and these dudes keep tripping on it.
@chrisard Jim Wendler's 531 private forum is a quiet place to talk about strength training and conditioning. There is an absolute policy of no politics at all. There is an off topic section for movies, music, and food mostly. The basic principle is to train hard and support others. Well worth the $5/month to be isolated from the rest of the internet and only be exposed to relevant content. Kind of like this subreddit I guess.
@meow69 Copying aesopsgato's comment from below:

Jim Wendler isn’t much better. He has a whole mantra “NOV” which stands for north of vag. It means being above (north does not mean up) weakness. He’s saying that female anatomy is inherently weak and people should strive to be better/stronger than that. Pretty awful to define your work ethic this way.

He also said Barack Obama needs to “catch a bullet” on a podcast with Matt Vincent

His whole "no politics" shtick comes across a little differently in this light.

"Don't mention politics here so we can all get along and I can continue to take your money. See, I'm apolitical! Keep paying me. Anybody mentions that I said the first black president should literally be shot, they get banned for mentioning politics."

It's a smarter way for someone just as shitty to get money from people who don't want to use a forum that allows comments like the one from the OP or reviews of how great Mein Kampf is.
@brianhex God how disappointing. I was just looking at his program last week too, just browsing some programs to get me back into post-COVID gym life after a year off. Glad I didn't go for it.

It makes me sad to think some of my regular gym mates might actually be thinking stuff like this when I wave hi as I pass by.
@brianhex Ugh this is disappointing. He even has a section in one of his books (don't remember this one) where he talks matter-of-factly about how women need to be trained differently than men because we are able to pull close to our 1 rep max more times than men are. I thought he was a good dude because he was trying to learn how to help women gain strength in a way that doesn't just think of us as smaller men. Good reminder that sexism is insidious and just because someone does one good thing doesn't mean they can't also be a raging misogynist.
@brianhex Okay, so the guy is advocating beating women (he made that clear) and Mark thinks that's "interesting" and he "knows women who would agree" which "muddies the water" that WOMEN SHOULD BE FUCKING BEATEN INTO SUBMISSION?!

What in the actual fuck.
@brianhex Jim Wendler isn’t much better. He has a whole mantra “NOV” which stands for north of vag. It means being above (north does not mean up) weakness. He’s saying that female anatomy is inherently weak and people should strive to be better/stronger than that. Pretty awful to define your work ethic this way.

He also said Barack Obama needs to “catch a bullet” on a podcast with Matt Vincent