Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

@iheartyou Honestly it's pretty garbage. There are many better-designed beginner LPs. Rippetoe is basically a joke these days. He's never trained anyone strong, yet he acts like his dogmatic views about training are the last word on training. And his macho bullshit old-man--yells-at-cloud act stopped being funny 10 years ago.
@iheartyou I’ve heard the Greyskull LP is good, and it’s pretty similar in structure to SS but with some modifications to address its shortcomings. Greg Nuckols also has some good beginner templates he sends out for free as well.
@herenow If the material is also not over thinking it I can try that. He isn't some kind of white supremacist or weird misogynist I hope? I get the feeling that some guys just kinda fall of the deep end somehow.
@iheartyou Greg Nuckols? No that dude is a big teddy bear. And I’ve lsitened to like 100 hours of him talking on his podcast so I think I know pretty well where he stands on a lot of things.
@uktom I mean you don't need to pay for starting strength, it's just a progression plan you can read on a thousand websites. When I started lifting it gave me great newbie gains.
Fuck this guy but his opinions are kinda separate from you personally following a program.
@helenaadelia I'm not saying I'm morally superior to anyone who uses the program (in fact, anyone who uses the program that didn't know about this guy's shitty opinions before now really shouldn't feel bad in my opinion) and if you choose to separate the man from his opinions, that's your prerogative, but I'd personally feel super uncomfortable if I found out a program I use was created by a man who thinks a blatantly violently misogynistic view is "interesting."

As I'm sure you know, weight lifting has historically been predominantly male-centered to the point where women often feel uncomfortable jumping into it because they feel they might not be welcomed into the community and this shit just adds to the fears and reservations women have to struggle with.
@maria37 I just don't see what never using what essentially boils down to a list of exercises is so connected to the author. Yes he sounds awful. Yes starting strength is an effective program. Just doesn't seem like such a big deal to say both things. Does it support him? I wouldn't have even known the guys name without this thread.
@helenaadelia Continuing to use the program's name continues to give this guy a platform to perpetuate this garbage. Financial support isn't the be all end all. It doesn't matter if you personally didn't know his name.
@brianhex I just started listening to the starting strength audiobook while I was in the gym. Well, that's off the table now, no matter how good the advice is in it, itll make me feel gross.
@vanessa2685 Also keep in mind that Mark is extremely dogmatic when it comes to training - he's literally said that sets of 5 is all anyone needs to develop strength and muscle to the extent that he says "the experiment is effectively over". So it's either his way or the highway.

I can sum up the book for you:

Not doing well in the squat? Squat more!

Squats causing discomfort? Pay a SS coach to teach you or continue to suffer - there are no alternatives.

Tired of doing sets of 5? You ungrateful lazy bastard, who do you think you are? You are a know-nothing weak pussy (his favourite word to describe people that won't do his program).