Mod Announcement


New member
Hi everybody,

The mods have discussed the post entitled What happened to this subreddit more or less constantly since it came up yesterday. We hear you and agree that there must be some changes made to the rules to benefit the community.

Last night, we went back and forth on rule changes, on how to survey the sub to ask what should stay and what should remain, and where we stand on certain issues like post removal, frozen topics, daily and weekly threads, and other content rules.

This made something very clear: there is currently no single rule that doesn’t have both pros and cons. Admittedly, we think some of these rules are better than others, but making changes that comprehensively and fairly address the concerns that have been brought up will be challenging. Second, it is difficult to perfectly assess how to move forward with taking everyone’s opinions into account. We want the community to prosper and do well, and it’s clear that the current rules aren’t furthering that aim. Something needs to be adjusted.

Thus, I can now announce that for the month of September, all posts in the sub will be allowed through moderation as we experiment. All rules regarding posting, commenting and what is allowed and not allowed will be effectively on hold, aside from these:
  • Be respectful to all folks on the sub
  • Tag NSFW posts / comments
  • Must be related to fitness and health in some way (completely orthogonal content will be removed)
Everything else is permissible, no matter how brief, whether or not it is answered in the FAQ, or if it deals with an injury or health related issue you would like advice on. All frozen topics will of course be unfrozen. The Weekly and Dailies will remain running, but we will not enforce the organisation into them.

We agree this is a big change, and our thinking is along several lines to do this. First, it’s hard to know which content rules are legitimately impacting the vibes of the sub that were brought up in the post (is it frozen topics? Post vs. comment rules? Weeklies and dailies?). Second, as we mentioned in comments, engagement on the sub is down in June and July. Is it Covid? Maybe. Are our rules too restrictive? Also maybe. This is the only way forward we can see if our rules are impacting engagement. Third, a ‘reset’ of the rules is an effective way to test them the other way – what rules do you want to see enacted to help manage content? If we remove things, it’s hard for you as the community to see what is the spectrum of content that comes onto the subreddit to better adjust the rules.

At the end of the month, mods will review the traffic stats, sub engagement, overall pacing. THEN, we’ll do a town hall / survey with the whole sub how you’d like to proceed in adjusting the rules. We will share our engagement statistics pre and post change, and discuss what we saw from our moderation perspective. We think this will be an effective ‘reset’ button on the rules and see what ones the community values. After September, we’ll make a call on what stays / what remains after this experiment.

We think this is the best way to truly put all the rules to the test and give them a fair shake of being evaluated, in the strongest community-driven way we know of. This means that for the month of September, the r/xxfitness community can communally test out whether the voting system works for organising content, which Weekly or Daily threads make sense, and if we want medical advice to come through, among others. We would like to see the users who voiced strong concerns in the last thread use this as an opportunity to show us that they can actively participate.

Users may also repost the posts that mods removed in the past, in fact I would like to encourage this. I want to see that people are taking active steps in making r/xxfitness the place that they want it to be.

I would also like to encourage users to provide full answers to questions and not link or direct anyone to the FAQ; we understand that this has been found by people to be dismissive and in some cases condescending. If a question comes up, please provide answers yourself. If you would like to link to external sites for information, you may of course do so.

We anticipate that the community will calibrate to what’s working and what doesn’t, and we’ll have a set of rules that really works for the community. At the end of the day, we want this to be a great place for you and we’re looking forward to trying this with you, and making r/xxfitness as good as can be!
@acer621 A little late to this but 3 days since and I'm delighted to see the change this sub has undergone. I love the activity and the community we're seeing again; the subreddit feels a lot fresher and more fun to engage with (on the app).

Suggestion: Has this sub ever used flairs before?
@acer621 I am glad that the mod team is making attempts to revive this subreddit as I have felt for a long time that this place is toxic towards me.

However, despite the relaxation of the rules, I still feel extremely uneasy wanting to engage in discussions outside the daily threads out of fear that what I said will be taken out of context and being spoken to either like I am dumb for having a different opinion from the rest of the group or if I were to ask for clarification, I would immediately be reprimanded for “not checking the FAQ”

It’s not so much the rigidness of the moderation of the sub that has caused me to leave the subs but I feel I get better support elsewhere
@acer621 To echo what others have said, I appreciate the mods responding to feedback and being open to change.

Personally, I'm seeing a lot of subs with an influx of new members/increased activity during the pandemic. I totally get that this is a pain for mods and long-time subscribers because you have a bunch of new people who don't understand the context of why some rules exist so everyone has to re-experience the learning curve of what level of moderation works best for the sub.

It's frustrating to see the quality of a sub go down and being overrun by repetitive/newbie posts that could be answered by searching the sub or reading the wiki. This has really been a problem in subs with inactive mods, so again, just want to say that I appreciate what the mods here are doing.
@acer621 I think this is a great approach! Good on the mods for treating this so well! Everyone is going to have a different opinion on how much is too much and what contents annoys one might not annoy another.

I am shocked at how busy it got immediately.
@acer621 This is awesome! I’m already here more and actually decided to get back on track because this sub is more in my face again. Ordered nutter butter protein powder! Happy Friday!
@acer621 Can i just say i could never be arsed to be a mod on reddit and i find it very impressive that you all put this time and energy into the sub. I'm always appreciative of how mods help remove shitty comments and trolls from xxfitness and keep it a relatively safe space for us all.
Because it will be a bunch of low effort posts and questions from people who can't do a simple search on the sub or on google. The same basic questions over and over again plus all the pseudoscience about toning up, lame tips and tricks, body types etc. Literally none of these people posting these questions will stick to their routines ever.

On bodyweightfitness the mods did exactly the same for a month during the quarantine and I saw the incredible amount of lame posts and questions about how to do a pushup, how to "tone up" rate my routine: 10 wide pushups 10 narrow pushups 10 burpees How to do diet( wtf really) dae weightlifters bad dae Recommended Routine too hard to follow people constantly ignoring the daily discussion sticky etc etc. And every time someone complained about all the low effort shitposts drowning the good discussion the post gets swarmed by a ton of lurkers who are adamant that answering the how to do a pushup question for a millionth time is extremely valuable and yet looking at their profiles on various sites about statistics these comments tend to be their first "contribution" to the sub...

Compare that to the front page of r/powerlifting

Moderation is useful.