Morning routine!


New member
Hey everyone! Does anyone have a morning routine they recommend to fit in a workout? I work an 8-4 job, married with 2 kids. I typically leave the house by 7:20/7:30 for the daycare drop. Are there any tips to help myself get out of bed? Especially when it’s the winter months. My biggest struggle 😭
@aksavage Nope. You just gotta be gritty, suck it up, and get out of bed. Getting to the gym is the hardest part. Once you’re there, you’re good. You can have the pain of discipline or the pain of being disappointed in yourself. Choose your pain. Personally, I think the pain of disappointment is more difficult to deal with in the long run.
@loveyhwh And it’s not even in the long run, really; it becomes habit before you know it. 4-5am wake-ups are only challenging when compared to your usual, not when they are your usual.
@aksavage The only tip I have is to just get up….no snooze, no reflecting in bed for a few minutes. When the alarm goes off at 4:45, I get up, put on a sweatshirt, use the bathroom, and turn on the kettle. Unfortunately there’s no magic, but it does become routine pretty quickly.

Sometimes I leave my clothes out the night before, that may or may not help. The most important thing for me is to actually get up.
@aksavage Having the discipline to go to bed early is key for me. I'm at the gym by 4am which means I go to bed when my kids do - 7:30 to 8pm. I sacrifice that night relax/TV/phone time for that morning workout but it's so worth it - sets me up mentally and physically for a productive day.

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