No A/C at gym- I feel crazy

@3john3 I will say that Florida in the winter (or very late fall/early spring) is actually delightful if you ever do want to go there for some reason!
@believingingod They’re cheaper for us(veteran’s discount due to my husband), but normal gymgoers are paying double what we are. I would say they’re in range of other local independent gyms…which makes it a little more surprising. They moved because they needed more space. I don’t think they anticipated how hot the new building would be!
@ericanicolee I went to a gym like that that also didn’t allow chalk. I couldn’t even do a single deadlift because the bar would slip right out of my hands. It went from annoying to dangerous pretty fast. Bring it up to management and/or go to a different gym.
@ericanicolee I go to a lifting gym in a southern-ish state without AC which sounds just like what you’re describing. Honestly, I sweat a lot but it really doesn’t bother me much. They keep the garage door open and have a fan going and that’s enough for me. It’s not the most comfortable but the people make up for it because they’re fun and I like my workouts. I dunno, I have no advice. I just wanted to say that there are some of us crazies who don’t care about an AC gym out there.
@ericanicolee I think I’m the same as you. I am more sensitive to temperature than a lot of people. I couldn’t work out in what you’re describing either. I don’t have anything insightful to add, but you’re definitely not alone.
@ericanicolee I went to a boxing gym in the South that was like this for a few years. no AC or heat. The summer was not great, but the whole front of the building did open up with a garage door, and the back could be opened a bit too--there were big fans, circulation. I mean, my clothes would be 100% soaked tho. In the winter, you often had to wear two pairs of socks, long sleeves, etc., because it was so cold. It never bothered me, I guess because actual sunshine bothers me more than heat, but dealing with whatever was also sort of the culture? I currently work out in my garage with no AC and it's pretty damn hot, but again, I can open the door.

I guess the real question is: For what you are paying to belong to this gym, does it seem like AC ought to be paid for and covered? Are you missing value for what you're giving?

(I didn't feel that way at my hot gym because I got so much incredible coaching and training out of it otherwise, but I can definitely see other scenarios where I'd feel I was getting ripped off if there wasn't AC.)
@ericanicolee I’m currently in a no AC gym and I have been going there for years. There are few things I personally do, to preserve my sanity, and maybe they can help you too!
  1. I workout in the morning. I try to arrive before 6:30 AM, which I know doesn’t work for everyone’s schedule
  2. I am scantily clothed while in the gym. I’m not in the best of shape after the initial covid lockdown, but the heat of my gym wouldn’t permit me to cover myself up like I prefer. I’ve had to be okay with showing more skin and accepting that other gym goers do the same. I don’t judge them and they don’t judge me
  3. Water and face rags are a must! There are times I’m sweating so hard I’m literally dripping sweat all over the equipment and in my eyes
  4. Bringing a pair of slides or sandals to change into after the workout. This will help your feet air out
  5. Cut back on the pre workout and caffeine before the gym! This will just make you sweat more
Pros of a no AC gym? I get in and out of the gym a lot faster since I can’t afford just hanging around in a 100+ box. I also think it helps me warm up quicker!
@ericanicolee I’d have found a new gym yesterday. I’m in a northern state yet AC in the gym is a non negotiable for me. Don’t need another barrier to working out, that’s for sure.
@ericanicolee My CrossFit gym goes not have AC and I live in Arizona. Right now, it’s about 110 out. The gym is not much cooler. It’s hard but you can get a good workout as long as you are smart about it. Hydration is a never ending process. I make sure I use multiple Nuun tablets throughout the day in preparation for our workout. We make sure we scale appropriately for the heat, your performance will absolutely take a hit, but come cooler weather, you’ll see a big uptick. I run all summer outside as well and it’s the same principle. I take a big pace hit but come fall, I’m magically better than I was before.

And that’s okay if it’s not for you too. It’s hard but if there are other things about the gym you like, it’s a balance.
@ericanicolee My CrossFit gym doesn’t have AC and sometimes it’s hard but I enjoy it strangely. On those hot days I dress in shorts and bring ice cold water too. Ohh but they don’t mask at this gym (they leave the doors open and have a CO2 monitor or some crap). I don’t think I could do it with a mask on though
@peteyg My box is the same and I love it. That being said if I had to go to a gym that blasted AC I wouldn’t go because I’m sensitive to the cold and it can feel almost painful when I’m too cold for too long.
@ericanicolee Duuuude, I can't even imagine. I do go to hot yoga a lot (in fact I just got back from a class), but that's hot and humid on purpose, and I can choose to take a non-heated class if I'm not in the mood to get absolutely soaking wet. That really doesn't seem to be serving you; I would honestly consider changing gyms.

To answer your question, heck yeah, every single gym or studio I've ever gone to has had gooooood HVAC climate control, especially in the South. Personally, I can't see myself joining one that didn't have that, at least as an option.
@ericanicolee Man, if not wanting to spend my workouts in a humid gym that's at least in the 80s makes me a delicate princess, I'll just take my tiara now. In those conditions, why even go to a gym? I would just run outside and lift weights at my house if that's all that was available to me.
@tribmartyr It’s funny that I felt the need to add that qualifier. There is definitely a part of me that felt like “Maybe I’m just being a baby about this and need to suck it up!”
@ericanicolee No, I'm the same way! Especially if everyone else, like you said, seemed to be fine with it. I just meant like, if it's a sort of weakness, I will accept that that is my weakness lol. I don't like the heat.
@ericanicolee Nah, if it's consistently messing with your workout it's an actual issue, even if it's an issue only you seem to be facing.

But from another person who lives in an extremely warm and humid area, and who also doesn't do well with heat, it's totally worth finding somewhere you're more comfortable. Especially since you live in the south where summer lasts a lot longer than it does in like Minnesota or Michigan.
@tribmartyr Seriously, 90% of times I’ve gone to a gym since moving to the south was so that I wouldn’t have to workout outside in the heat. I would drop this gym membership so fast, if it’s going to be 90° when I workout, I can do that at home for free.