Ok, the color coded Google Excel Strong Curve workouts are finished! Enjoy and hope this helps reach your goals!

@byhisgrace I'm sure it's probably just because of the New Year and gyms being closed because of omnicron. I was searching through the r/fitness wiki for workouts I could do at home since I can't go to the gym anymore. I learned about strong curves for the first time there.

Btw I'm two workouts in and I'm loving it so far! Thanks again.

ETA the wiki directly links to this post. In case you weren't aware.
@skribby Yeah, its super cool. I didnt know it would be so popular when I made it. I feel proud I was able to contribute :) Thanks again, reach out if you have more questions.
@byhisgrace I'm so sorry to bother you, but I was interested in ur google docs too and when I click the link it says that I'm not permitted to access it. Would you mind sending the link again? :)
@psyduck25 You know. I don’t think I have access to it anymore! I’ve been meaning to remake it for everyone because it’s been popular. Hopefully I get a moment to do so and provide it!
@byhisgrace Apologies if I simply missed this in my brief Strong Curves search, but:

Do you use the same weight for each set of a particular exercise. IE, Bench 125, 125, and 125? Coming from powerlifting routines, I'm accustomed to % of 1RMs. Does the program assume you've already warmed up? I'm not just going to throw down big deadlifts without working up to them. Is the Strong Curves program simply the working sets?

@malcolmh Definitely keep the same weight for each set, then add more if you hit the max which is usually either 12 or 20 depending on the exercise in SC. And there aren't really big deadlifts in SC but I do about 5 minutes elliptical pretty fast paced to get me "pumped up" for the workout.
@byhisgrace This is awesome! Having this usable on my smartphone got me to finally go to the gym and get started on my first Workout A.

That said - I have an Android device and the pictures aren't showing up on Sheets (via the app or browser) on my phone - anyone else having this issue and have any idea if it can be fixed?

Thanks again - you rock!
@byhisgrace Wanted to check in with you after having completed Weeks 1-4 (with a slight break in the middle due to illness) - I started SC because of you posting this (went out and downloaded Scribd to get the book shortly after) and 4 weeks in, feel and look amazing! I honestly couldn't believe how instantly the results seemed to show up. From someone who had only ever done cardio at the gym for the last 15 years, thank you x 1 million - you are awesome!!
@dawn16 Aw thanks for the appreciation!

I just finished my the 12 week program and just moved on to gluteal goddess! Ive stuck with it and loved the workouts plus I have definitely gotten quite the compliments on my rear end too ;)

Hope you continue on a get great results!
@byhisgrace Yeah, I have that, and the pics still aren't showing up :/ weirdly, they show up in the thumbnail of the spreadsheet but not in the sheet itself.

No biggie, I just liked having the pics as a gentle reminder. Cheers!
@byhisgrace has anyone done both stronglifts and strongcurves? which one would you recommend and why? Strongcurves is what I'm on right now but was thinking of switching next week to try stronglifts. I'm still on a fat loss mission so am on calorie deficit
@tryingwife I liked stronglifts as a beginner, it was my first lifting program. But it was not overwhelming and that was what I liked about it. Otherwise I believe strong curves is better because there are more exercises. I burn more calories, its more challenging, etc.