One Year Transformation

@thefearofgod Amazing progress really. Other than the pullups bars, rings and parallettes, what other additions to your home gym would you say really helped you out?

Also how do you focus on working out at home when it's so easy to do other things like eat, or watch TV. Most of my home workouts are so half-hearted compared to my gym sessions.
@illflyaway nothing really, these basics are enough for the RR. The rest is just for changes to keep it interesting. I just installed a rope for example, as it was my nemesis in school and now I'm very eager to master that.

For me it's the opposite, at the gym I would always be in talks, whereas at home I have a nice view in the garden or can do parts of the routine there, so I'm always motivated to go there. I train mostly when the family is in bed, so it's also like a welcome comedown from the hectics of the day
@thefearofgod It took me about three weeks to be able to do the rope. I never did it before, ever, even as a child. Don't give up on it, and try the j-hook foot technique.

Although, I'm female, so chances are you won't find it nearly as challenging.
@mbw52 i started with the rope 3 days ago and find it pretty challenging, but that just gets me going to master that even more. 3 weeks sounds encouraging, thank you!
@thefearofgod I'm glad that's not too overwhelming...

I found that having something to sit on and then just practising the footwork, over and over, really helped. Then I could get started and not even look.
@nokiaemars yes, I tried to stay under 2150 calories per day with around 20% carbs allowed and between 120 grams of to 180 grams of protein, if it didn't fit I added whey, but not more. And if my wife made pizza or burgers I couldn't resist :D
@crystylg Scrambled Eggs for breakfast plus protein bread, which they sell here, which is a great help as I couldn't do without bread. Some fruits in the afternoon and mostly salad with chicken in the evening. If some protein is missing I add some whey as post workout drink, as I mostly train in the evenings. Whenever hunger strikes while the day i eat a slice of that protein bread with some harzer cheese or chicken breast
@dalady8 didn't have problems with joints, but was in fear of tendonits about 4 months in, when i switched from chinups to pullups, took a few days rest and used the flexbar technique, it calmed down and never came back. I always listen very carefully what my body tells me and favor to be on the save side more than gains. Those will come anyways, but to be stopped by pain for weeks would be a real setback