@pejulia it doesn't need more than a bar and a mat really, maybe rings and paralettes, and these don't need much space, everything else is optional and one can find ways to incorporate it even in the smallest place. I like to move the needed things in spot when I need them in resttimes, keeps you focussed
@thefearofgod For a minute I had no idea what I was looking at in the third picture. I thought maybe you were posting your gains in physique, home setup, and surreal photography.
@thefearofgod Brilliant progress! I've been wondering about doing the RR. What did you find most challenging about it and how did you keep that from stopping you?
@robertfoera L-Sits are still hell for me, but I try my way to get there by incorporating Leg Raises and Roll Outs, so hopefully I will master them someday. Stopping was never an option, the advantage of the home gym is that you always have it in sight and would feel guilty about the investment