r/bodyweightfitness, it has taken me quite a while to put together this infographic. I hope you find it useful!

@heavymetaldude Which is something that needs work, badly.

As far as the FAQ and the rest of the Wiki go, I can do something about that and I do so to the best of my ability. And right now I am not looking forward to the flood of posts we get asking whether to choose one routine or the other.
@aywo I didn't down vote you, but I think people disagree because the FAQ is confusing if you don't know much about working out. There is no getting around it being confusing, or at least more confusing then a basic lifting program. This has nice pictures. And nice pictures mean a lot when you first hear all these variations.
@aywo As the author of this routine, I am actually going to argue against it being included inthe FAQ... This is not the official FAQ routine, and -as the mods have pointed out here- there is no need to create more confusion!

However, it would be good if the reference to my former site (the bodyweight666) could be removed from the FAQ, and a link be placed to the site that replaces it ( http://www.startbodyweight.com ), where this infographic can be downloaded.
@yvano I was looking for a fitness domain name that would be memorable... Most interesting domain names were taken, but fitness666.com was available. From there I had the idea of creating a workout around a '666' progression, which was sorta catchy, so came up with bodyweight666. The format was really too constrictive though (being limited to 6 progressions and 6 reps per exercise), so I ended up dropping it and starting a new site which is maybe less catchy, but with a format that is much more open.
@aywo These down votes, asking with all the up votes just goes to show how many people just want a picture form, Men's Health style "do this on this day" workouts. Don't let it get to you Phi. People are lazy and want to be told what to do instead of finding out for themselves.

My take on this: awesome that you (ElDiablo) took the time to take pictures of all off this and put it together. That takes drive, energy, and ambition so props on that.

Downsides: these pictures are TINY. Pictures also don't show you anything about form. How is someone to know they're doing the exercise correctly? Pictures only show that exact moment in time of an exercise. That's also why I don't think anyone here has tried to do it. You need video and explanations of what's going on. To do that you needed a shit load of time, ability to do all the exercises with good form, a camera, and be able to correctly explain the exercise and it's mechanics. That last part is crazy difficult as people usually write entire books on the subject (Coach Summers works, Overcoming Gravity, etc.) and even then proper form for exercises is not a universal thing. People are just going to guess what to do based on the picture and hope they're doing it right.

You say to pick any six exercises? Why? Do I only pick six and stay with those? Do I switch them up? Do I do the same ones every training day? Do I have to match push with pull? Do I have to do pull at all? Will that be bad or affect anything? What about matching planes of motion? Here are my problems with that. What is the rationale behind this process? It's random. You're neglecting to tell people that you progress by sticking with the same exercises. You neglect to match push with pull along with explaining vertical and horizontal planes and why these things are important, injury prevention and strength progression.

Chances are people will pick the first six exercises and do them in that order: squat, pull ups, handstand push up, leg raise, pushup, dips. You've got 1 leg exercise, 3 pushes and one pull. Even if you want to do these exercises, the order is important such as in progress comes quicker for exercises you do first. You neglect to inform them of this and what that means. Fuck it, today I'll start with squats, hanging leg raises, then planks. Oh God, my core is shot. Now let's try pushups and dips oh fuck me I can't even keep my core aligned now my lower back is taking a beating.

Also some of these progressions seem odd. Might work, might just stall you for a bit.

Overall I'd say it's like your original fitness 666 routine, it's just ok. Improved, but dear God is it missing some crucial information. And if this is just meant as a Convict Conditioning style wall poster, for God's sake make it obvious that you need more info and include the important text info alongside it! And if you do that, it would end up looking similar to our FAQ here and will be most likely ignored, like our FAQ here.
@cal The poster is meant as an addition to the website (see the title and description), just that. It's an infographic, and it's a point of reference.
The website details the progressions ; there are better quality pics and there are some videos. Not all videos or pics have perfect form, but I'm far from perfect.
To be fair though, unless you get one-to-one coaching or attention, no amont of videos or descriptions will give you perfect form.
@cal Also: of course it's just OK. It's not in-depth enough and the feed back you would get from a coach is obviously not there. But if you take the time to look at the website, perhaps you'll agree that the routine is nonetheless better than 99% of what is out there in terms of bodyweight strength routines/home workouts. It is also a free resource.

The point is: I tried to make the routine as coherent as I could. I took the time to fill in the gaps you find in most common progressions to make these as incremental as possible; I tested them and had people test them so that the transitions would be smooth. I modified the rep ranges to facilitate the transitions based on my own experiences with the people I train.
It's not perfect: it's a work in development. I maintain the site and add to it on a weekly basis. I also keep growing an learning as a coach, and as an athlete... it's the best I can make it thus far, nothing more, nothing less.
@bonnieb Your site appears to be down for me right now, but when I looked at it none of this supplemental information was there on that page. I'm sure it's on different parts of your site, but it needs to be right there, super obvious, with the picture. Look at the FAQ routine here. How many people find just the routine image through other sites and then have a billion questions? Hell, people even bring up the original concept picture that's never even been a part of the FAQ! It was just in a thread for all of like one day. People are going to take this picture and pass it around, it'll only contain what's on the poster. Best thing you can do is make it as obvious as possible on your site, HEY, READ ALL THIS OTHER SHIT FIRST! to try to reduce this as much as possible.

I still stands by what I said of the randomness of just picking six exercises and the lack of explaining push and pull and their importance in balancing. People will most likely skip pull ups and rows as that requires equipment and you are 100% setting someone up for a future injury this way.

When your site is back up (even if this is just on my end) I'll go back and look at the site and go through the supplemental info.
@cal Hey, you know, thanks for doing that. Any criticism -good or bad- is welcome, and I can take it on the chin with the best of them.

I've tried to strike a balance on the site between keeping people interested and a decent amount of information. It still needs work, and an informed opinion will be received gratefully.
@aywo Yeah, I'm going to chime in here too. As a beginner who is unfamiliar with any kind of "working out" fitness, I wasn't able to figure out how to do the beginner bodyweight routine either.
@aywo Because the FAQ beginners guide in completely indecipherable to people who've never done any fitness training before, a.k.a beginners.
@aywo It's amazing how much praise something like this gets when no one appreciates the FAQ, which is a better resource. Not taking anything away from this because it is creative, but the info has been in the FAQ for a while.
@truth10 This is good because it has lots if nice pictures, all in one place, all in order of progression.
The FAQ is has a tin if info, but lacks the nice (and I guess I mean simple or clear to people who aren't familiar with the lingo) breakdown in the post.